9. Kill 2 Birds With 1 Stone

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"Are you kidding Mila?"

"I'm sorry."

"No, what the heck." Normani angrily taps her foot against my hotel room floor, the 3 girls behind her don't look too pleased either. "I thought we said we were going out to eat?"

"... I was hungry."

"So you ordered a 3 course meal without telling us?"

I try to hide my smile in reaction to Normani signature serious scowl.
Whilst I got over the fact I'm in the Ritz Carlton hotel in LA to perform at the 2018 Grammy's with my former bandmates, I unpacked my things quicker than expected, so I got bored...I didn't have a single thing to eat since breakfast and the menu in my room was just too tempting not to take advantage of.

Dinah slips past Normani and joins me on the couch (yes, there's a couch and a stocked mini fridge in my room) and takes a handful of fries, nibbling on them whilst I feel a little more than guilty.

"I'm paying for y'all to stay here. We'll just eat in. The rooms big enough for all 5 of us."

"Exactly!" I nod in agreement. "We should take advantage of our wealthy friend and pig out on the fancy pizza the kind staff will cook for us. There are spare robes in the bathroom, get comfortable whilst Dinah and I order more food."

"You want more food?" Normani picks up my bill. "Haven't you just ate the triple chocolate brownie scoop ice-cream sundae deluxe, with banana sliced topping and extra-"

"-Shh Mani." I gently pry the receipt from her curious hands and swing a spare robe around her. "I always have space for more. You should know that."

I give her my dopiest grin until she breaks. "Fine."

Finally accepting my insatiable desire to engulf food, we both jump next to Ally and Dinah who are already waiting on the couch for us.

"Come on Lauser." Dinah waved at Lauren. "Get your ass over here and pick something off the menu. There's space on the couch."

Lauren didn't dare move from the doorway. But she had noticed Dinah was right, there was room for Lauren to sit with us. Next to me.

Or there was the floor.

If I know Lauren, there's no doubt she'd choose the uncomfortable option instead of the really uncomfortable option.

So you can't imagine my surprise when she easily walked over to me and took the seat.

I guess I don't know her as well as I thought..

I don't think too much about it, she can do whatever she wants. I just want things to be peaceful, yet not amiable enough for any feelings to return - friendship feelings of course. I have a girlfriend.

The T.V. turns on and in charge of the control is Dinah.

"I was watching something on Netflix earlier on. It's your favourite!" I nudge her side whilst she swats me away. "You know my password,"

The programme loads, all of us recognising the show instantly. "It's been years since I seen this! And it's not my favourite. Though if I remember correctly, it is somebodies." With that no so subtle comment, Dinah's rewarded with one of Lauren's famous eye rolls. "I remember watching this together that one time before Christmas."

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