3. 2017

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"Give a warm round of applause to my wonderful band, you guys killed it."

The crowd beneath cheered at my every word. People were animated and lively, some were screaming my name trying to get anything, even just a glance from me.

"And show some love to the beautiful and talented guitarist who I had to convince to perform to you all tonight. Ash, I love you!"

Everyone shouted and clapped louder when I gave Ashlee a hug in thanks.

"And finally a round of applause to you guys, I would never have been here without you! I love you."

The crowd started roaring. That noise was audible cocaine. It was addicting and I could never get enough. All the more sweet sounding knowing that I got that reaction out of them. I created that sound.

With the biggest smile on my face, I walk away from the 2017 Jingle Bell Ball stage and make my way to my designated dressing room.

"You done amazing Mila."

"Thanks Ash. Your guitar solo was surreal."

"It was okay." She smiled cockily at me as we walked into my dressing room. "So I think tomorrow we can try that new song we've been working on."

I turned around to see if she was actually being serious. The smile on her face was confirmation enough to tell me that she was! "The one we've been practising?! You think I'm ready for that song?"

Ashlee and I had gotten even closer since I left Fifth Harmony. She stuck by me throughout all the highs and lows 2017 had thrown at me. There has always been a more deeper reason to why Ashlee was often seen with me even when I was still in Fifth Harmony. She's a mediator, she brings me back to earth when my anxiety shoots me up into space. We've formed a bond that no one could duplicate or replace.

"I think so. You're hitting all the right notes in rehearsals. Plus, I really wanna try out more ballad-ee type music to see how the audience responds. It's nice to bring it down every once in a while."

I jump up and down whilst clapping my hands. "Ahh - I can't believe we're finally singing that song!"

Her grin turned into laughing, presumably at how thrilled I am to get back onstage and give my fans another song to fall in love with.

That's right, I actually have a fans! It was at the top of my list when it came to things I was worried about when I left Fifth Harmony, but I managed to maintain a strong, loyal fan base. A few months and a hit single later, that fairly small fan base grew and now I'm selling out concerts and making money off of my music.

"I'll leave you to get changed, I'll be in the canteen."

I give Ashlee a wave in goodbye as I'm finally left alone to simmer away the buzz of the performance.

I take off my flashy stage outfit, get a robe and lay down on the mini couch in my dressing room. I feel so exhausted.

But a good exhausted. I'm happy.

One year ago I'd never imagine being in the position I'm in today. The support I have from my family, Roger and my fans is growing stronger and stronger ever day.
I do find my mind wandering back to the old times and memories I share with 4 other girls in occasion.

I miss them all. I'm not sure how much they miss me though.
Fifth Harmony is still a big success. They released their new album months ago and have already toured. Time has gone by so fast...
They're not performing in the Jingle Bell Ball this year, instead they performing at private venues everywhere and anywhere around the world.

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