12. William and Megan

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"Karla! You are going to be late! You need to rehearse and you need to start walking now for you not to be the last one there!"

I run across my hotel room, grabbing a spare change of clothes I'll need for after rehearsals. I stuff some toiletries and deodorant in my bag and walk to the door where my moms waiting for me. 6:55AM. I won't be late, but I won't be early either.

"Done. Are we all ready?"

I smile at my parents and Sofi who've been waiting in the hallway for what they tell me has been 10 minutes. I'm sure they're exaggerating.

"I should ask you the same thing. Do you have everything you need?" My mom asks, scanning my hotel room.

"Yup, let's go."

The 4 of us walk inside the elevator and press the ground floor button.

I prime myself up in the meantime. I should look good and fresh before I see the girls.

My hair flies all over the place and I hurriedly apply some waterproof mascara. "How do I look Sofi?"

The smaller girl looks up at me. She takes in my light make-up and inspects my outfit which consists of a bomber jacket, turtleneck and jeans, before giving me the thumbs up.


I spray on some deodorant and perfume, leaving a thin mist of the stuff lingering in the elevator. My parents cough at the intense smell, even my little sister blocks her nose in an attempt to reduce the pungent aroma.

"Could you not have waited to do that outside Mija?" My father asks, wafting away as much of it as possible with his hands.

"You put on too much, and you are going to rehearsals. Why do you need all of this perfume?!"

My mom had a point. I may have gone overboard, especially because I'll be all sweaty soon anyway.

"Sorry, you're right."

There wasn't a standout reason why I dressed a bit cuter, wore more make-up than usual and wanted to smell nice today.
I want to make a good first impression with the 2 new acts I haven't met before. I'm also wary about meeting fans, I wouldn't want to look all grubby and icky in a picture with them. And also because of my ex-band mates. Even though they were all used to seeing me in sweatshirts and sweatpants in rehearsals, there would be nothing wrong with letting them know I've 'upgraded'.

We reach the lobby and walk over to the group of girls waiting near the hotels entrance.

"Hi, good morning!"

Ally, Dinah and Normani look over at me, each of them smiling. Their expressions become even more cheerful when they spot my parents and Sofi behind me.

A melody of 'hi's' and 'hello's' are exchanged between the 7 of us.

"Did you enjoy last night Mila?"

"Yes! We have to do it again before you guys leave for Christmas."

"Maybe we can all grab a bite to eat after rehearsals with the rest of the performers?" Ally suggested.

Dinah eagerly joins in the conversation. "I heard the official 'Central Park events coordinators' have ordered pizza for when we finish. I know my hips won't like it but your girl likes carbs and they're giving some to us for free."

"Here is $50 for you girls if you still are hungry after the pizza. Call us when you finish Mija." My mom hands me the money and kisses my forehead in goodbye. "Now go away, you are already late!"

"Sinu hasn't changed much." Dinah whispers in my ear. We both giggle as Normani and Ally smile at us, probably thinking the same thing.

I blow my parents and Sofi a kiss. "Chao, love you!"

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