17. S*xual Tension, S*x, EX EX EX

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I stretch my arms above my head as I wake up to the morning sun peaking through my window.

Groaning at the fact it's morning, not necessarily at the weather, I reach over for my cigarettes, having smoked in my room with a cracked window ever since I got here. My eyes scan the case before I groan again, opting to not give into another one of my bad habits. It's no good for me.

So I instead pick up what most people these days are addicted to - my phone.

So I instead pick up what most people these days are addicted to - my phone

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I'm late.

Not a second passes before Normani's face pops up on the screen and the familiar jingle of a phone call sounds.

"Morning Lo, are you nearly here?"

"No." I check the time again. It'll be impossible to get ready anytime soon. "Listen, I'll get a cab to the studio. You guys go on without me."

"Alright... I need to tell you something." Her tone is serious.


"It can wait. I'll see you there."

So I take the quickest shower known to mankind, throw on a hoodie and sweatpants and call a cab to take me to downtown L.A.


9:14, not too bad, Jauregui.

"From the top ladies, 5, 6, 7, 8. Slap boom, boom, boom."

Not wanting to interrupt my own rehearsal, I lean against the door frame, watching my bandmates practice. They're in a line doing a routine I recognise parts of.

Ally and Dinah look a little rusty. Normani obviously has still got it. At the end of the line is Camila. Her hairs tied up into a ponytail, that I haven't seen in years, but can't help but miss. I used to love it in the rare occasion she wore one.

After our 'fight' yesterday, she didn't show up for the rest of singing rehearsals. She did apologise to us in the group chat, but I can't help but feel partly to blame. Maybe solely to blame, actually.

It's just that after finding out what she had done, I couldn't look at her. I never thought Camila could do that to anyone. Especially not to her girlfriend. Who's Megan. So in that moment, when I saw the picture of her kissing that stranger, the part of me that still knows, like really knows Camila, had to change.

These past few months, I've been working on maintaining my control. Unfortunately because of all of the above, it escaped me, and it kinda blew up in Camila's face. And then my face.

So I'll need to apologise to her. Again.

Plus, she's none of my business any more, and I can't control what she does in her life or how she chooses to be happy - it never seems to work out for the best when I do, anyway.

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