2. A Very Familiar Present

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After dancing for nearly 2 hours straight, I pull Megan out of the crowd, wanting to be alone with her before Dinah sets off the fireworks outside when the clock strikes 12.

"I can't hear you over the music, let's go somewhere quieter!" I shout back at Megan as I guide her to the staircase that leads to the many rooms in this mansion.

I've stayed in Dinah's Party Mansion often enough that I know what the best bedrooms are. The 2nd spare room has a broken shower, the 5th one has a hard as stone bed. The 9th has... stains. The 7th room is the perfect one. It has a balcony with the best view of LA you'll ever find. That's where I want to take Megan.

"Good idea." Megan turns me around right before we reach the first step of the staircase and pins me against the railing. "I think we should get a little more privacy."

She kisses me, wrapping a supportive arm around my neck. I feel her want for me with how passionate the kiss gets.

"Race you to the room!"

Even with the alcohol coursing through my system, I still managed to start my run up the staircase.

I look over my shoulder and notice her steadily approaching me. We're both doing a great job with climbing in our heals, but in my tipsy state Megan approaches me quickly.


A stinging sensation spreads across my butt cheeks, it's sorely throbbing. I stop running when I reach the top of the staircase and turn around, raising an eyebrow at Megan. She's inches behind me, at just the perfect distance for her to have had a clean slap of my butt. She smirks before crashing our lips together in a lustful kiss.

The force of the contact sends us into Dinah's spare bedroom door, which I use my free hand, that isn't woven into Megan's hair, to open. In the middle of the room sits an empty bed which I hardly get a chance to look at before Megan turned us both around. Before making it to the balcony, she had me pinned against the wall beside it, eagerly lifting up my dress.

Our lips never separated until she slides hers down to my neck, sucking on the nerve tingling area. The desire Megan has that makes her so fiery in her actions, makes me want to pick her up and do everything to her in that bed until she screams my name. I want it so loud and desperately, that every single guest downstairs hears it over the music.
Too bad it's the worst time possible to do it.

You see, there's a reason I wanted to bring her up to the balcony and show her the prettiest view there is of Las Angeles. In my clutch, I hold something very special.

After stargazing for a few minutes and telling how much of an impact she's had on my life, I'm going to give Megan a key. What's it's use?

It's a key to my apartment.

I'm ready to take this step with her, even if it's only our little secret to share.
She already stays there often enough. She's basically moved in with all her clothes, food and general stuff lying around the place. Why not make it easier for her to come see me, every single day?

There's another thing too. For the first time since we started dating, I want to tell her that I love her.

I hum, still savouring Megan's lips on my neck. But this has to stop. I don't want to ruin the romantic moment I have planned out with lustful thoughts.

"Mhh, Megan... stop."

"What is it?"

I purse my lips and glance at the balcony. We should be out there, enjoying the stars, the sky. The beauty that is space. I want the scene to be set perfectly with the LA skyline and the moon watching us, witnessing the love I have for Megan.

"Can we go outside?"

"It is getting a bit stuffy in here isn't it?" She grabs my hand, that was comfortably resting on her shoulder and slides it down her collarbone. It travels past the chest and stops on her breast, she squeezes my hand over it. "What do you say about taking what we were doing a couple of seconds ago, out there?"

Her eyes are so sharp and tempting, I almost wanted to say yes and let her do whatever she has planned to do to me. But I have plans of my own.

"Can we just have a quiet night tonight? I want to enjoy the New Years with you. You being here is enough."

I can see the disappointment and lingering arousal in her eyes. But she nods her head anyway, taking my hand and leading us over to the balcony.

I twist the handle and let the fresh air engulf the room, gently running through the curtains, letting the smell of... smoke come in?

With trepidation, I pull back the lace netting, my eyes immediately settling on the figure standing in the exact same spot I was going to give Megan my key.

They held a cigarette in one hand as they bent over the concrete balcony. The LA sun was setting, the only thing I managed to see was the shine on her leather jacket, resting on it were waves of her dark hair.

Her jacket, her hair, her figure, her.

Tonight can't be happening. Time and time again have I wished for that week back in 2017, where she magically popped into my life again, to disappear from memory.
I wished to forget her. And now here she is. She's as easy to escape as the moon is when it follows you at night whilst you drive further away from it in your car.

With her now facing me, I see another thing I recognise. Her eyes. They're starring directly into mine now, even with my mask on.
Was she expecting me? Did she sense me? Is this all a cruel joke thought up by the universe to mess with even the most important parts of my life?

She throws the butt of her cigarette over the balcony and fully faces Megan and I.

What are the chances of me coming to my first ever New Years away from Miami, in which two, now three, of my ex band mates happen to be in? One of which I find in a room belonging to a mansion holding 20 other identical ones?... Feels as rare as two eclipses to me.


Now Camila's seen Dinah, Normani and Ally!!!... I'm kidding

Sorry for the long wait between chapters, just want to get the plot finalised so I don't miss anything out in the first chapters of part 2

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!


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