15. Ohh... Whatever!

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"Mhh... I needed this. How'd they get the insides so fluffy?"

I shrug, not quite knowing the answer to Dinah's question, and not quite caring either. I hardly savour the flavour, quick to take another bite of this delicious breakfast pastry.

"I told you, they do the best waffles in L.A."

Dinah and I sit down criss-cross apple sauce. Plates spill over each corner of the bed, already having finished a couple meals worth of food. Being partly recovered from our hangover and my potential 'substance abuse' (I unwillingly partook in, of course), we indulge the rests of our morning by enjoying each other's company.

"How did you even manage to get breakfast delivered at-" I check the clock. "-5:30 in the morning?"

Dinah picks up another fork-full, looking at it as if it were a slice of heaven.

I play with the rest of my breakfast, enjoying our silence and not yet ready to bring up the conversation I had with Lauren to Dinah. But of course, she beats me to the punch.

"What's up with that text Lauren sent you? Who's she bringing over?"

I open my mouth to answer, but close it again. I've asked that same question to myself.

"Your guess is as good as mine, DJ. And I have no clue what Lauren has to do with it, either."

"It doesn't make sense." Dinah's elbow hits my side playfully. "Whoever and whatever it is, she must be trying to impress you."

My fingers run through my hair, not too comfortable with what Dinah is implying. If she thinks I'm upset, it's because I am. I've got a lot on my plate right now, including these delicious waffles. I don't need Lauren, of all people, to get me into more trouble or put me off my food.

"Stop... don't make assumptions."

"Chill Mila." She grins and laughs rather genuinely. "You know I'm playing around."

Like a moth drawn to a flame, I feel Dinah's eyes burning a hole to the side of my face. I think in search of something else I probably don't know the answer to.

"Why do I feel like you're not telling me something..."

I shrug, deciding to take a small bite out of the breakfast I've grown a bit tired of.

"Scratch that, I know you're not telling me something. Spill."

I rest the plate once sat on my lap, to the night stand, and replace it with a pillow, burying my face into it and letting out a grown.

"Are you high, still?" I feel a hard hand pat my back. I shake my head in response. "Okay, good... you got me worried for a second. Maybe you should sleep some more."

My head shakes 'no' again before coming back up for air.

"No, no, it's not that. I'm feeling okay mentally and stuff. But I think I'm going crazy, Dinah... my brain-" I weakly tap my fisted hand on my head for emphasis. "-is broken."

"Broken how?"

"I don't know..." I answer, genuinely not having a clue. "It keeps thinking about things I don't want it to."

"Well... what are you going to do about it?"

I'm not quite sure what she means. In fact, I'm quite sure she doesn't even know what I'm talking about. It's about a lot of stuff, actually. But mainly those times my daydreams, often about Lauren, have felt very, very real. Then she tells me to 'open my eyes' and I'm suddenly not with her anymore. Maybe I should call them 'day nightmares'.

Leaving All I've Ever Known (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now