4. 2019

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"Are you sure? Like, really really sure?!"



What the hell?

Wasn't I just kissing...


Megan releases our hug, I snap my head up at her, forgetting the context of the question. My fingers gently rub my temples and I take a couple of seconds to wait for the unpleasant pounding in my head to stop. Did I just... hallucinate? Momentarily pass out?

My visions just gone from snow white skin and wet lips a hairs width away from me to the now confused face of my girlfriend. What am I meant to say?


That I want her to move into my apartment.

"Yes... Of course I'm sure Megan."

The beautiful smile on her face only adds to the new-found guilt I'm feeling. Did I really just imagine Lauren kissing me? Not only that, I was kissing her back!
It felt so real. Her lips felt the same as they always did... The way she held my jaw felt like real life. Those fireworks, they're what felt the realest - they were sensed deep down, right in the pit of my stomach.

"I'll, umm... I'll leave you two up here to enjoy the night together. It was nice seeing you." With her head still down and looking to the floor, Lauren walks out of Dinah's spare bedroom and down stairs, following the parties booming music.

I hadn't even noticed I was watching her until Megan pinched my chin and turned my face towards her.

"Hey." She looked at me curiously, confused by my sudden distance. I look into her eyes as she analyses mine, trying to figure out where my heads at. A simple smile dismisses her insecurity. "Do you want to go back downstairs? It's nearly midnight."

I nod my head, letting her lead me back into the carouse chaos that is Dinah's New Years Eve party.

Everyone was still dancing and partying as hard as ever. The pool of limbs and faces made it almost impossible to distinguish actual people from each other. But one stood out from the rest and it was Dinah. She's up on the DJ booth, looking around, trying to find someone.

Her eyes met mine and it looks like she found who she'd been searching for.
She smiles and grabs the microphone from its stand, clearing her throat before speaking to her guests.

"Hello?" She tapped the microphone then looks at me, still unsure if it was working. I reassure her with a thumbs up, she thanks me with a grin and a wink. "Hi everyone. I hope you're all having fun in the party mansion!"

The crowd sounds a loud raw, mixed with a bunch of whistles and cheers.

"We officially have 10 minutes until the year is behind us. Get your asses outside to see some dynamite tear holes and blow the shit out of the sky. Drink all my booze and start the year with and headache, let's rock the hell out of 2019!"

Dinah's speech ends with a cheer from the newly excited and ready to get even more inebriated guests.

The garden doors open and lines of people stream outside into the crisp, but pleasant, LA air.
With Megan by my side, I crowd around a single round table that holds even more champagne glasses and cupcakes.

I eagerly take a cupcake that's designed with a music note, the pattern matching Dinah's leopard print dress. The bakers talented, I'll give them that.
My teeth sink into the heavenly treat, earning me a playful glare from Megan. She's knows I can never say no to free food. Especially food that tastes this good. It's moist and fluffy and it has the perfect icing to base ratio. The cupcakes been made with love, it's like edible sunshine.

Leaving All I've Ever Known (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now