23. A Small, Black, Velvet Box

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I, Camila Cabello, propose that today will be a good day!

I've already managed to wake up at 9 and still get my full 7 hours of sleep - which is great considering how late me and the girls stayed up last night.

It could have been worse though, but Ally texted our vocal coach to say that Sean, our choreographer, needed us I'm the early morning. We laughed at the little rush Ally got for lying, but ultimately thanked her for giving us the first half of the day to do whatever we want to.

I also strangely feel good about not having answered my phone this morning. Every app is full to the max with notifications, and I have several missed calls from contacts whose names I don't even care enough to look at. I strongly suspect one is Roger. But I'm not going to open that can of worms. We'll talk soon enough at the Grammys, anyway.

A part of me still can't believe I just came out last night. I've felt so light ever since. A switch flipped inside of me, and I was suddenly ready to tell the world. But a part of me feels uneasy about where me and the girl who flipped it stand.

I can imagine a scenario where Lauren regrets saying what she said to me. I mean, we did end the night with a goodnight kiss (that might have got a little too heated for what it was). And we agreed to hang out today, at least for a little while. But I don't want to make assumptions. Especially not with Lauren.

And the way I acted in front of her... I can't help but feel a little mortified about. We've been emotionally intimate in the past few days, but not really physically. So there's no denying it - I wanted her. And I've missed her. But she made it clear to me last night that she wants to take things slow. No sharing a bed. No touching, apart from the lips. Let's take things slow, Camila is what I imagine she'll remind me to do today.

*knock knock knock*

A swarm of butterflies starts to fill up the empty spaces in my stomach. I'm quick to open the door and I try not to look too jittery when my sisters, who's at eye level with me, throws a sprinkling of petals directly onto my face.

Immediately, giggles escape her, and the two, toned arms that held her up, carefully drop her back down on earth, revealing the beautiful face I've been waiting all morning for.

"Sorry about the mess -" Lauren runs a hand through her hair, beaming down at me as she takes in red coloured petals that stick to my white dress. Her eyes linger, and a satisfied smile greets my lips at the sight. "- Sofi insisted."

"It's okay. Come in."

My hand waves her towards my room before she follows me inside. I rock back and forth slightly, waiting for her to make the next move. Even though I don't see any signs of regret in her face, a part of me still, anxiously, waits for it.

"Lauren got you something." Sofi chimes.

"You're no good at surprises, Monkey." Lauren takes out a bouquet of red roses from her tote bag. She hands them to me and I inspect the flowers, brushing my finger over the smooth surface of the velvety petals.

"What are these for?"

"There was meant to be two dozen in there, but, you know..." Lauren cocks her head towards Sofi, who has settled herself on my bed, flipping through the TV channels.

I notice that there's a handwritten note attached to the bouquet.

I notice that there's a handwritten note attached to the bouquet

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