14. Lauren's Surprise

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Digging my keys back into my jacket, I look up and scan the monitors to check on the arrival flights. My heart drops when most of them read cancelled.











Arrived 10 minutes ago.


My hands pat my pockets in search of my phone. I have a lot of unopened notifications, but they're ignored - they will be from fans who saw the picture of me, Camila, Normani, Ally and Dinah together.

My thumbs hover between Camila's contact and the Fifth Harmony group chat. I end up clicking the former. I know it seems strange, but it still feels a little too personal to type out a message directly to Camila.

Not that I'm looking to collect brownie points, but the rest of the girls can know who's coming too. And also know what I've done for Camila - but that's beside the point.

 And also know what I've done for Camila - but that's beside the point

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'I have a surprise for you Camila :)'

Hmm... seems a little... unsafe. I don't want her to feel awkward. Especially when she reacted the way she did to me offering her my shower. Camila's made our boundaries pretty clear.

'Good morning everyone. Make sure your bedroom is tidy, Camila. Expect some guests over in a few'

There. Much more appropriate.

I wait and turn on my notifications to make sure she's seen my message. My attention is distracted when I hear an announcement on the airport speakers.

"3397 flight from Arizona to San Diego, cancelled."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, thankful that Camila will get to see her family.

The blizzard has, by now, hit California pretty hard. Roads are being closed and traffic is heavy. No one is getting into L.A., at least not easily.

So you can imagine my surprise when I get a call from Sofi Cabello to say that they needed a ride there. I didn't hesitate - I immediately stopped what I was doing and drive over. San Diego's a long way away from home. But I think it'll be worth it to see Camila's reaction.

I check my phone again to see if Camila has read my message yet. It's still only 3:45AM - she must be asleep.

A crowd begin to gather around the arrivals exit as the first few passengers from the Cabello's flight begin to filter out.

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