Chapter 0: Survivor

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Anomalies it has been documented that they been living with the 
Very first humans of the ancient ancestry they're probably been here 
Way before humanity ever emerged into the cycle of life. seeing how frail
and humanity are.  one day these anomalies started to show an aggression 
and eventually begin their torments against the humanity which lasts for 
Centuries,  They're Here... and Looking down upon us.. toying with us.. 
They're more powerful than us humans.. they had proven through time 
That they were more superior than us.. to us we are just a sport to be played 
With a.. a prey.. no a Livestock that solely for their basic needs 

Mackinac Island - Northern Michigan,  it was a peaceful night an unsuspected tragedy 
Would soon befall on the quiet and peaceful neighborhood.  the Gray Household 
After dinner that night spent a family time watching a tv together a movie night
Suddenly their front door burst opened, the father grabbed his gun and points at 
The front door right there they saw a horror inducing humanoid a eyeless humanoid
With elongated skull, gaping mouth full of serrated blade like teeth it had pointed
Legs the creature is skinny and with a dirty whitish skin it had a glowing orb inside its
Mouth the creature also had a very long skinny arms with three elongated sharp 
pointed claw it is also stated to an 7.5ft tall by height  then  it lunges at the father
at blistering speeds the father unable to react rendered the gun useless.  their mother
 screamed the top of her lungs the creature also grabbed her and start mauling and
devouring both of the father and mother . the five year old little girl was horrified to  the
Point that it cause her to chitter teeth  instead of screaming In fear.  this little girl
has a distinctive feature that only her in her family posses.  snow like skin complexion
dark as night hair with cosmic purple hue on it this little girl was carried by her 
older sister then her older quickly grabbed the silver dagger from one of their 
Living room drawers and make a throttle to the front door  just when she's inches 
Away from escaping successfully a sharp elongated claws narrowly missed the 
Little girl widened her beautiful purple eyes in shock seeing her sister impaled 
and blood rushing from her mouth. the older sister gave the knife to her little sister 
And proceeds to clench the elongated claws preventing creature to reach her 
Little sister and she lower her little sister a little bit and throw her out from the 
Door the little sister grunts in pain with tears running from her eyes and she 
take a glance at her older sister being dragged away by the creature's strength 

" Live.. "  It was a her older sister's last words as she gets dragged into the darkness
of their house.  the five year old little girl proceed to run away with tears 
while holding the silver knife with a last memory of her sister teary last smile 
The Little girl ran away as fast as she could from the house while sobbing 
but she can fear a loud thumping following her from behind it resembles a 
Loud footsteps marching at high speed she take a quick glance and she 
Screams when she saw a Lycan chasing her ferociously the girl even cried even 
more just as she escaped a murderous anomaly and now she's chased by 
Another one with a hurt leg and body from the impact after being thrown 
she tried her best to run as best as she could as she instinctively turned around
when the lycan pounced at her she was impacted against the floor again 
she almost lost a conscious after her head got impacted against the floor 
The Lycan bared its fangs and sinks its teeth onto the girl's shoulder  she 
Screamed in immense pain and terror.  as soon as the lycan starts gnawing 
Through her flesh.  her life flashed before her eyes. she had a loving  family 
a father who comes at home early in the evening to spend time with his 
Daughters.  a mother who works at morning only so that in afternoon 
She can pick up  the little girl from the kindergarten and play with her at 
Home. a older sister who taught her alot of things that she herself enjoyed 
Listening to she can listen to her sister talking and telling her about stuffs 

In her mind as she the life in her eyes slowly fades thoughts slipped in 
" I had such a happy life and childhood and now its about to end... " 
the silver knife slowly slides down from her grasp as her grasp weakens 
" What did my family do... to deserve their deaths.. no... what did i do 
to deserve this... is it bad to live a normal happy life... "  she slowly closes 
her life almost succumbing to her death as her warm blood trickles down 
her fore arms from her shoulder.  " Is it bad to live such life... " same word 
Repeated to her mind  "Live.. " Her sister's last words and last teary smile 
Came last to her thoughts. the feeling of fear and acceptance of death 
Suddenly turned into a intense emotion. a boiling rage sparked within 
she grasped the silver knife she's holding and hold it backwards and stabbed it
To the lycan's eye causing it to growl and tighten its bite on her shoulder 
The little girl grits her teeth eyes squinting with rage and changed the location
of her attack this time she stabbed the Lycan right in the ear causing the lycan
To Whimper in pain as it fell side ways taking down the little girl along 
the Little girl quickly rolls down side ways and stood up and stabbed 
Lycan right in the knee the Lycan whimpered in pain again and it 
slowly crawled backwards using one of its arm while flailing its other hand 
Around with its claws protruded to keep the little girl away as the 
Little girl still bleeding walking towards her with a bloodied silver knife 

In the Lycan's eyes the little girl's eyes are glowing fiery purple. this was to 
indicate the  fear it's feeling " How is this tiny little human was able to 
overpower a monster like it self"  is what the lycan thinks as the little girl 
says in very cold tone " I swear i will kill all of you i will destroy all of you " 
she then Picked up a Fist size rock the lycan crawls backwards even more 
and the girl sped up her walk towards him even more and toss the 
Rock to his snout hurting him causing his nose to bleed prompting 
The lycan to hold its snout in pain the little girl runs towards the lycan 
And swiftly grabs the same rock she threw at him then she lunged towards
Him and sinks the knife to its forehead then before the lycan could 
growl with pain and retaliate she hit the butt of the knife causing for it 
To penetrate its skull and stabbing right into its brain, ending its life in instant
The Little Girl kicks the lycan several times to check if its still alive or not 
upon confirming that the little girl grabs the knife out the head of lycan 
then proceeds to walk away from it staggeringly while still bleeding 
after minutes of staggering walks  she found a abandoned house with a 
laundry fluttering its backyard she grabs one of the clothes and starts 
Ripping them off using her knife because at this age she don't have the 
Strength to tear off any clothing she used the ripped clothes and 
Wrapped it on her shoulder very tight while she walks into  empty streets  
this was a basic knowledge that her sister taught her the survival 
knowledge about how to slow down blood loss after suffering a critical wound

All in The Little Girl's mind now was to escape this island now suspecting 
it might be a home for the anomalies that are yet to prowl around tonight
her goal is now to leave this place and survive and she remembers that days 
Ago there is a fishing boat docked with a very old rope she proceed to head
To the seaside of the island and thankfully the very same boat is still in there
she proceed to hop into it and proceeds to cut the old rope with her knife 
it took her a minute to do so due to her strength seem to slowly fade 
then after another minute she succeeds and with a little bit of her strength
left she use it to waddle the boat with the oars installed both of its sides 
she then lied down against the surface of the boat and stares at the 
Night skies all she could hope the waves of the sea carries her to a 
town or somewhere safe and hopefully that someone finds her before 
She inevitably dies from a continuous blood loss, succumbing to her 
Exhaustion she drifted away from her consciousness and passes out 

 [ To Be Continued ] 

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