Chapter 9: Ice Flame Ivy Realm -1

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" Mom where is this?"  Frida ask as they stood high in the cliff beneath the cliff is a marvel of 
three terrains that are in different environment the one in the middle is the greenery 
filled with forests, lush rivers and amiable warm sunlight its filled to the brim with flora 
to the left is the charred wastelands, filled with volcanoes, hot geysers and active 
Lava moats and seemingly eternally burning trees and flame floras and to the left
is the frozen tundra and plains filled with ice mountain ranges,  glacial lakes 
Dead Trees, frozen floras and plants.  then Hilde gave Frida a pat in the head  "unlike 
before we came here not just for training for suvival but also making you and your 
newly psuedo valkyrie genes to adapt and gain some rigid and powerful resistances "
She explains  " This is the Realm called Ice Flame Ivy this realm is abandoned but 
This has became a playing field for me and my sister back then. so i had this place
stored into the dimension cube " She added " I didn't know the cube could also 
do this "  Frida responded " Where i should start mom?" she asked " You start 
in the middle "  then Frida looks at the middle part of the realm and nods her head
" i will start now"  She then starts climbing down the cliff barehanded and with
Relatively ease as well  " The poison, the medical here are inexplicably potent 
compared that of those form earth, you'll struggle but if  its for your own good " 
Hilde then pulls out a table and chair from the cube and observes frida from the cliff

As soon as Frida enters the forest her movement suddenly slows down " what 
Is this feeling... " She can feel her limbs weaken causing her to shake as she takes 
a step she fell on her knee " i felt lethargic suddenly and weak... "  as soon as she 
Said she could feel a burning sensation in her skin and her flesh seemingly hurting 
in very excruciating pain and bones hurting as if they're broken,  with her veins 
Thickening and her lungs tightening,  eye sight blurring and as well hearing loss  
" the air is poisoned?! " She finally realized what's happening she also felt her throat 
to be very dried she crawled to the lake with all of her strength she could muster
As soon she drinks from it to relieve her thirst she could feel her stomach with a 
Sensation of it like being folded, her heart beating faster and faster " Even 
The water is poisonous... "  Frida fell on her back she was having extreme 
Reactions to the poison,  extreme  convulsions, mouth and nose foaming, eyes
 as well ears bleeding, her skin starts suffering from necrosis her stayed there
like that for several days as her valkrie blood fights off the effects of the poison
While obtaining protein information so that her blood creates a resistance against it
After feeling a little relieve from her anguish she passed out from so much pain 

After few days of being asleep she woke up and gets up, fully healed and cured but 
not eating for many days has caused to become very hungry so started searching 
For food to eat and decides to go with the fruits she searched every fruit bearing 
Tree and gathered then she begins peeling them and eating them one by one 
to fill her stomach, but she started feeling inexplicably dizzy,  pain splitting headaches
As well the uncontrollable nausea and as well incredible pain in the stomach which
ultimately lead to her vomit excessively, she also started feeling the other side effects
Such as a very high fever and chills she even begin coughing out of reaction she 
Even feel the heavy drowsiness, its like suffering effects of being drunk and side 
Effects of wrongly prescribed and very powerful medicines combined all together 
" Now what..? alcohol and drug effect... these are way too potent... " she deduces and
She then passed out from too much stress from out, her valkyrie blood begin its work
Fighting off the effects and analyzing the information to build up resistances against them
then many days later she woke up from her unconscious state, she stretches up and begins
To gather some of those fruits as they're only source of sustenance for her in this area since
The middle section of the realm doesn't seem to have animals within it considering the
Harsh and deadly environment it already possessed to begin with 

" As expected from her valkyrie blood to work effectively surely it  takes long for it 
To build up the required and proper resistance,  but its accurate.  not even the High
Dragons of the Lunastasia are capable of surviving this realm it didn't even take minutes
For the realm to kill them " Hilde says as she observe Frida while drinking her tea 
Frida then stops at the deepest area of the forest while carrying a handmade basket
created with her survival skills plus knowledge carrying the fruits her only food 
" smells really sweet and nice.. like a very pleasant perfume "  she tries to discern the 
Smell and she then sees a silhouette of a little girl running past her? " Huh?" she 
Looks behind and sees no one then she heard a voice from behind her and she 
Turned to where she was looking at earlier " am i hallucinating?"  she tries to understand
And discern her situation then she fell on her knees feeling anxiety and paranoid 
then she look around and sees a beautiful bed of flowers  " Aroma... Flowers that 
Gives off negative psychological effects through its Aroma " she finally found the 
source of her plague from there on, she experienced all kinds  of phobias and 
she experienced them through illusory and hallucinations she begin experiencing 
other psychological and mental induced effects upon her which sits on really fast

Schizophrenia,  Dangerous levels of Depression, heavy dipolar disorders 
as well ADHD, Various types of PTSDs  she even had nightmare disorders even 
She is not sleeping and fully conscious still she even gained panic attack disorders
she suffering so much mental and psychological effects she screamed her mind out
until she passed out from too much mental stress, causing her valkyrie blood to 
Work again the blood assesses the information about the effects from all of it 
Through her nerve cells and as well brain cells.  she was lying down in the same spot
For much much more days and it took her many days later to wake up from the 
Deep unconscious state and she tapped her side of the head shaking her head  
still feeling the headaches caused by her terrible experience from weeks ago 
she then massages both of her temples to relieve the headache and migraine 
Before she heads out she decides to take quick meal Hilde was smiling while 
Drinking her tea " Splendid my daughter " Hint of proudness can be heard from her tone
She was satisfied and happy about the result of Frida's adaptation to her struggles 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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