Chapter 13: John Smith

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 In The Main Head Quarters of the of the anomaly containment foundation
and research society or shortly known as the foundation's main headquarters
Which is situated in the Tallahassee city in Florida.  There's a man with slight
brown skin color, standing tall at 6'2 ft height, and weighs around about 55 kilograms
He had a features of slightly long dark brown hair which slicked toward his back 
he is a good looking gentlemen at his 25s  he had a mustache and a goatee as well a 
well trimmed beard, he had an athletic build. he wore a outfit that consists of a 
Black Blazer a black stripped polo paired with purple tie with black zebra lines 
he had a black pants paired with exclusive brown leather boots,  he also wears a 
blue tinted sunglasses he had his polo tucked in his pants.  his name is John Smith
And Right now he's having a meeting with the Five Individuals who are wearing black
veil covering their whole face but the male has white numbers written on them,  
Their meeting place takes place in a very luxurious office room with dimmed lit ambience
They are known as the Five chancellors of the foundation's council their rank is equal to 
the president of the foundation's rank is equivalent to the president of all countries combined
this shows that the foundation's presidents power and rank is above everyone in the planet 

" Congratulations upon succeeding your father as the new President of the Foundation 
Mr John Smith "  05 congratulated him  " Thank you"  John nod his head at her words of 
Congratulatory " May you lead us and the foundation into many years of success and 
hopefully we can finally find a way to fully contain the anomalies under your administration"
04 also offered his words of welcoming and acceptance of John smith as their new leader 
" I will... no me and my administration will try to find a way if there isn't one now then i will 
keep looking and making ways for a possibility "  John responded to give them assurance 
the five chancellors then looks at each other and nod their head in agreement  " Mr Smith 
Can i ask you something "  03 asked him and he turned his gaze at 03 " What is it ?"  he 
responded in turn.  " What do you know about the the origins of our foundation" 03 asked him
then John put his palm on his chin and fiddling with his goatee  " a little to  none. all i know 
Is that the foundation was established by the remnants of the holy see after it was disbanded
and my family's lineage is a descendant from those remnant "  John smith responded with the 
best of know he has got it.  then the chancellors looks at each other and nods affirming that 
its is the indeed the only thing that he indeed knew about " looks our foundation's past.. no 
The information about holy see has been obscured and forgotten. i guess our ancestors didn't
Want us to find out about the holy see "  03 added as they cross their arm back and lay their back  against the chair then  02 decides to open a document and proceeds to skip pages 

then they hand out the document with a page that had an article about the murder of the 
Gray Family " This is the murder incident of the Gray Family that took place 2 years ago. 
This was closed isn't it " John said to them  "  Yes but the youngest child wasn't found at 
The Scene of murder right so she was marked missing. " 02 added " i heard that her family 
is from Gray Lineage one of the blood lineage that once supported the holy see " 01 
also jointed " Indeed she was marked as missing but is as if she disappeared from the face 
of planet, the police, military the intelligence bureau and not even the skilled info broker 
And intelligence finders can locate the said missing child. then we had to give up the search
For her as we do not want to waste anymore resource "  John smith responded but his 
Response is coming from the side of logic the chancellors looks at each other and nod their
head " in that case do you know or seen her?"  01 then handed a very old photo capture of hilde
this photo was taken when she saved an american airlines from crashing down after being 
swarmed by the hordes of the Jersey devils during 1800s  " the Rumored Valkyrie the 
Anonymous protector of mankind she has saved mankind many times the anomalies 
That are capable of ending a world and cause extinction in a heart beat. however she hasn't 
Shown herself decades now "  John smith recalls the information he had read about her 

" But unfortunately i only read about her  through the data that the foundation has about her
and I've never seen or met her unfortunately "  John smith speaks to them with truthfully 
And five chancellors nodded their head " Mr Smith do you think that the Valkyrie has something
To do with the missing young child of the Gray family?" 01 asked and John then tucked his 
hands on his pockets " That's a possibility as well but even if it is then there's must be a 
Factor behind it a reason beyond our earth bound logic and comprehension " John smith 
Gave them the answer and that satisfied 01 " Well  that concludes our meeting for today and
once again congratulations on succeeding your father.  we apologize for taking alot of your 
Time today Mr President "  01 says and apologizes to him " thank you and it was no problem
on my part, meeting and getting know with the chancellors is part of my job well then if you 
excuse me  "  John smith gave a nod after excusing his self as an act to show respect to the 
Chancellors then he turned around spuns a heel to the door opening it and closing it 
" The missing kid and the Valkyrie went quiet was a there a subtle connection? or was 
Just imagining things on a delusional level  i do not know i don't have any answers with me " 
John speaks internally as he makes his way to his own office room within the headquarters 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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