Chapter 11: Ice Flame Ivy Realm -3

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After spending months in the coldest region of the realm frida went to the middle part of 
The region to craft bigger wooden chest, this time she has packed a even more better
meals thanks to the combination of vegetables and spices that goes along with the fish
then she spun a heel towards the right side of the realm where the scorching wastelands 
was. then she reached a beeline again but this time frida left her wooden chest on the 
beeline between the middle section and right section of the realm that way she 
could just easily go here to eat incase she feels the hunger she picked up a pebble 
And throw it right there. while the pebble is free falling it was set into fire then it melted
As soon as it hits the ground. this time Frida has no hesitations " i will not disappoint my 
Mother i am the heir of the last of valkyries!"  Frida then takes the plunge steps into the 
scorching wastelands she immediately catches fire seconds after entering it she 
Fell down and rolls down screaming from pain and agony from being alive and from
being burned inside as well her valkyrie blood immediately works on and goes on 
overdrive simultaneously healing her and analyzing the information and data about
her surroundings she was burned to the point her skin turns dark as soon as pale 
fades she was in constant of being healed and burn it was agonizing she even slammed
her head against the scorching pavement to alleviate the pain with another pain 

" I knew i may had went too far to ask her to stay in this realm with right side
being a immediate lethal as soon as you enter it. but i believed in you daughter i know
You can surpass this " Hilde was observing with her she's clenching her fits to resist the 
urge to go over there and check up on her.  it took a week for the valkyrie blood to give
Frida to resist the scorching air of this part of the realm her skin color returned back to 
Normal and her third degree burns faded, she gets up really hungry she walks back 
she her skin catches fire in every second but they don't burn her anymore and so is 
her hair is restored back to its normal length after being burned for a week turn her bald
now she has her normal hair length back she then reaches the bee line and opens the 
Wooden chest starts eating to restore the energy she has lost and to relieve the hunger
She is feeling the valkyrie blood doing its work after all takes the chemical energy from
The food to compensate its usage. frida finds it out while she's at the icy region of the 
Realm " my training her is basically for me to able to adjust the valkyrie blood's costs
not a bad idea.  i really love this idea of yours mom " she says as she  chows down on 
The smoked fish and fried berries she also finished her meal drinking a distilled glacial water
then she closes the chest after eating and turns around faces where she came from 

as soon as frida dives deeper into the scorching lands. she can feel the air has gotten hotter 
And hotter and she finds it really difficult to breathe. the air is filled all kinds of dangerous 
greenhouse gasses she persists through and proceeds to walk deeper into this region 
Despite the air is making her sweat alot and the ground has become equally hot to a 
Still hardened newly formed magma granite she continues to thread while the valkyrie 
Blood works to resist these dangerous greenhouse gasses the temperature as 
was becoming unbearably hot the deeper she threads into the scorching regions  
the immense hot temperature is making her feel lethargic she can feel her energy fading
she looked everywhere with her vision blurry from too much sweat and tears that her 
body produces to counteract against this a very punishing hot temperature " No 
Animals.. just like the previous two realms "  as she is about to give up on finding an animal 
To eat until she saw a weird looking tortoise just wandering near a lava lake and she 
Raised her eyebrow " A Tortoise...?"  she blinked twice to see if she's not hallucinating 
From all the heat that is thrown at her and she then picked up one of them and carries it 
To the nearest dead tree with its tree branches that are eternally ablazed 

Then she put the tortoise down and kills it with a single blow with a very hard granite 
" A Wild animal living in a place where life is very impossible. is this really edible" 
Frida ponders then her stomach kept growling, she has no choice and that she is really
hungry and needed to replenish her energy and relieve the hunger. then she proceed to 
Break the shell with a brute force by repeatedly hitting it with hardened granite many 
Times with her remaining strength she took the tortoise's body out from its broken shell
She then takes a bite and rips through its flesh and swallow its raw flesh in. as soon as 
Swallow it she immediately scorching hot from the inside she open her mouth stick
her tongue out holding her threat and stomach smoke comes out from her mouth 
she can her insides burning and melting the valkyrie blood immediately went on work
To alleviate and counter it.  but it takes time  " Don't tell me these tortoise has a Lava 
for blood?!" Frida just realized what is happening and deduced it accurately " Damn it... " 
Frida then vomits heaps amount of blood into the pavement that contains embers on it
She then fell on her knees and screams in agonizing pain then she can't take the stress
From the melting pain she fall to her side and passed out. while she's out of the cold 
her valkyrie blood went on overdrive. working faster than its pace faster than ever this is 
To ensure its the heir wont die and to ensure that the heir will survive no matter what 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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