Chapter 6: Hilde's Improvement Training - 2

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Frida while doing her last rep on the cable Hilde approaches her " Frida
I got something for you "  Hilde then handed to her weights that are worn
in wrists and ankles "  They're kinda heavy "  Frida says as she was able to 
Identify the weight " around 50 kilograms"  she deduced "  yes it is " Hilde nods
her head confirming her deduction was correct " also its time to amped up 
Your training regimes "   Hilde then manifests a titanium wall and titanium 
Pillar.  " Its time to for you to hone your fists and feet like iron and steel " 
Hilde grinned and Frida smiled back hinting that she's happy to do so  
Frida rubs salt to her skin to make her skin stronger and hardened by shedding them 
she then punches the titanium wall and kicks the titanium pillar she wants to
make her bones in those areas hardened by applying constant pressure upon them
Frida kept practicing and practicing even with the added Regime on the newer ones
She started with 100 punches a day then eventually elevated to 200 punches and kicks
everyday then it went up even more to 300 punches and kicks in a day then 
She put the 400 punches and kicks in a day as her limit so she will have extra time 
for her other training within her listed regimes Frida too could feel herself improving

then one noon Hilde parked a truck carrying two tanks then she turned off the engine 
And set the car on neutral while parked so its movable on shore side then she strapped
heavy duty chains on the  front of the truck " Frida " she called out to Frida who just 
Returned from swimming all the way from Toronto " Yes master?" she responded as 
She walks towards her still drenched with ocean water " ill will be adding this from here
you will be towing this truck that carries a heavy duty war tanks "  hilde added and 
Frida nods her head agreeing to her suggestion " Also that" Hilde pointed at the 
HMS Belfast just sitting near the light house anchored. Hilde's good relationship 
With the current queen of england enabled her to borrow the HMS Belfast  " I'd 
be also towing that while swimming?"  Frida asked " exactly"  Hilde affirms 
" Got it. anything that improves my physical prowess ill do it "  Frida smiled at hilde
" so precious "  Hilde says internally. she certainly like a mother in that moment 
Then Frida would now Tow both of the Truck and the Light cruiser battleship  
In order to improve her rawpower and brute strength for the later on 

Then on days Hilde takes her to a inhabited mountain ranges. she would make 
Frida run in terraces for about 20 laps while carrying a tree trunk on her back 
she would also tell Frida to climb and scale the mountain while carrying the tree
Trunk on her back without any climbing gears just barehanded and barefooted 
Nonetheless Frida accepted she sees it as a way to get stronger and better fighter later
Hilde would also take Frida to the Mount everest making her climb this cold highest
Mountain in the world without protection. just her regular clothes and also a tree 
trunk on her back she's also told to climb and scale it without any climbing gear 
also barehanded and barefooted.  Frida at first had a difficulty as the cold is slowing
her and giving her hard time to climb it due to how some surfaces are either smooth
or rough the reason for hilde doing this is to hardened Frida's skeletal frame and 
as well to strengthen her bones and muscles and as well her skin by forcing to adapt
Hilde gave her the mystically enhanced binders so that it prevents her from bulking 
in order to keep her lean body shape hilde after all thinks that a valkyrie should 
Also be a beauty to behold as much as her strength is to be held equally 

Then another one day Hilde brought a massive glassy water tank that is about 8 feet tall 
" Eh a water tank?"  Frida wonders while raising her right eye brow " Yes you shall 
be submerged here " Hilde responded "  can you elaborate master?" Frida was somehow
Interested at what Hilde stored for her this time  " You shall do punching and kicking while
Submerged in this tank the water pressure and buoyant force will slow your punches 
While underwater. its a good way to enhance your striking power isn't it?" Hilde explains
To her with a proud smile " Ohh! that's really an amazing idea master!"  Frida too seems
Delighted " Lets get into it right away "  Hilde suggested " of course right away master!"
Frida Delightfully agreed with her.  Hilde starts filling the tank with  water through its siphon
after the tank is filled up to 7 meters Frida then puts it on her weights on her so that it 
Will make her more heavier under water then without any further she take the plunge and 
Dived right into the tank from the top and then after successfully submerging into the water
Then Frida starts throwing punches and kicks underwater she certainly can feel so much 
Resistance from it but she persists and kept throwing punches and kicks if it meant to 
Improve and increase her striking power, Hilde watches her from outside of the tank 
Hilde made sure she is there in her stages of growth and development not only acting as 
Frida's mentor but as a parental figure for the young girl as well " believe in the potential
of someone you chose huh..  your words do came true rock. even that time that you 
Remarked that i may had met my Successor in the future. your words do came true 
my old friend "  Hilde smiled remembering Rock's words from the past. rock stone 
The knight who wandered the world and take out the supernatural threats 
" She will be the one carrying your legacy and my blood " Hilde says softly with a mild smile

[ To Be Continued ] 

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