Chapter 17: Personal Weaponry

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While Hilde is Snickering a Cigarette as she waits for Frida,  the other then climb up 
the hill and smiled at hilde with her clothes tattered from all of the training she has done
Hilde then looks at her from head to toe noticing Frida has gotten taller and prettier 
she possess a beauty that can be now classified as valkyrian beauty " You're only 
Thirteen years old yet you're already taller and more prettier than i am "  Hilde raises
her hand and gives Frida headpats and the other giggled " Looks like you had spent 
A Year in each side of this realm " Hilde added and Frida nods her head " that means i had
completed the training then hehe " Frida snickered happily "  Lets see the improvement 
in your strength now punch me and i  will defend "  Hilde says as she distance herself 
From Frida just a meter " Okay Ready "  She added  then Frida nods her and steps 
Forward and straights a right straight towards Hilde's Mug and Hilde Quickly performs
A Cross arm guard blocking it but she was flung into the end of the realm with her 
arms smoking from the impact then falls on her knees and her whole body ringing 
From the immense pain coursing through her body her vision was spinning a bit 
before returning to normal she noticed blood trickling down from her sleeves 
hilde smirked  " Unbelievable i did see her ate fruits of evolution, fruit that are native
From the world where the Flame scion was.   it only had twenty of them in this realm
and she ate all of it and evolved the the valkyrie blood even more "  She stood up 
Heals from the damage she took and teleport to where frida was at   

" hehehe how did i do??"  Frida was curious what was her mother remarks are 
" you had gotten stronger i am proud of you " Hilde responded with a smile and giving 
Frida a pat in the head as she opens a portal " this daughter of mine just overpowered my base 
toughness and resilience at thirteen years old. not even an average victorian  could do that"
Hilde speaks within her mind as they walk into the portal and appearing back to their house
then she put  her hand on the door knob and open the door to the living room " that means her level zero restriction is being the Valkyrie Queen not just a full fledge valkyrie " Hilde added 
as she enters inside and Frida follows her then she goes to the table where the weapons 
Are lined up Frida's Eyes gleamed in Joy as she saw the weapon that was on the table she 
First picked up an obsidian colored desert eagle the moment she picked it up the inscription
in the center section of the handgun glowed. it glowed in golden color Frida was amazed 
then she puts the handgun down and she picks up a pair of chains that is etched on a 
Small anchor the moment she put it on her palm it stood up and dancing around the 
Air " Amazing... " she was in awe of her mother's craft  then she puts down the anchored
chains and picks up a double sided black tactical combat dagger like the rest of the weapon 
It had a written rune description in the center of the blade.  which glows in response to 
Her as the wielder and to her valkyrie blood as well then she turned her gaze at the 
Two particularly serrated Dual blades but its design is eye catching to Frida's Eyes 

she took both and inspects it  " the serrated the blades are made from the Teeth of an 
very powerful mystical creature that ruled the oceans of Lunastasia and lived alongside
the valkyries,  the Mystical Megalodons they had the strongest bite ever comparable 
To the pressure of an ocean of singularity, that has a pressure powerful enough to 
Compress time and space and even reality itself  the ocean of singularity is a place 
That should never be accessed in Lunastasia "  Hilde explains as Frida nods her head
Listening to whole thing " What happened to the Mystical Meg?"  She asked  
" They went extinct dear.  that was like many many eons ago in Lunastasia they were
Even older  than that brat named Astana  " Frida upon hearing the name Astana makes
her wonder what is that person as but decides to do not ask any further questions 
" you can also make the serrated blades turn into fold into a singular blade " 
Hilde suggested " How can i do that mother?"  Frida asked  " Just command it  
Mentally "  She answered  then Frida mentally commands the dual blades the 
Serrated teeth like blade then starts straightening up and merged together into
one linear sided blade  " Cool! "  Frida says in amusement making Hilde smile  

" have you named your weapons?"  Hilde asked her  " I gonna name my 
Desert Eagle the  God's Arm and Name my sniper rifle into Empyrean Piercer 
and name my Hk416 into Netherworld Buttery  " she named her long range weaponry 
First  " then i gonna name my ring the First ring Disturber and the second ring 
into Droma and my gloves into Bane  and my  dual swords into Great Megi Swords
and my Dagger into hildebrande  " she named her melee weapons and goes on 
Naming the others as well  the weapons glows recognizing their names given to them
by her " i am surprised you'll name your dagger hildebrande "  Hilde Notions 
 " hehehe they were created by you after all Mom "  Frida happily responded and 
Hilde smile lightly  " the weapons of valkyries are named so that they will be 
be used by their owners only, this will prevent others from manipulating the nature
of your weapons as well to prevent powers that can essentially disable your weapon 
from taking effect  this technique is only used by valkyries called Volundr " Hilde 
Explains the reason why and frida nods her head listening  " now its time to bestow 
Them an anomalous ability.  remember each of weapons can only take two 
Anomalous abilities  "  hilde added  then Frida points her palms at the weapons and 
Activates her valkyrie blood and bestow her weapons anomalous abilities she 
wanted them to have the inscriptions in the weapons glows signifying that they 
Accepted the abilities that frida has bestowed upon  Hilde stood up from her seat 
and give Frida a pat in the head again and the other enjoyed the motherly affection hilde
has given to her "  i am proud of you my little valkyrie "  Hilde praises and frida smiled brightly

[ To Be Continued ] 

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