Chapter 18: Business Partner

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Frida and Hilde were just walking down in the streets of the Wall street after 
They just had a dinner, it was night time around 10 pm in the evening 
" Ah its been awhile i haven't eaten a good meal after three years " Frida says 
while making a happy cat like expression causing Hilde to chuckle  " Daughter"
Hilde's abrupt call making both of them stop at their tracks " Yes Mom?" Frida 
Turns to face hilde at her side " Do you Resent me?"   she asked  " Resent you? 
No of course i don't mom, why do you ask?"  Frida asked her then Hilde holds both
of adoptive daughter's hands " After all i just had robbed you of your possible future
paths that you may had taken later into the life,  what if... you had dreams that 
you want to reach and achieve it really makes me feel guilty.. that i may had hindered
you on your supposed path... "  Hilde says in a cracked tone and Frida rubs her adoptive
Mother's hands to calm her down " well certainly i used to have a dream wanting to 
become an astrophysicist but that was before i knew the threat of the anomalies since
this world became a loading point from excess supernatural beings from other worlds 
I can't be too selfish to just think of my own "  Frida's very mature response despite being 
13 years old girl surprised hilde which made her smile a bit relieved that Frida doesn't 
Resents her not even one bit  " Besides "  She put hilde's back of the hands to her forehead

Showing greatest respect and adoration to her adoptive mother " it was these hands that 
Saved me and gave me a second wind,  If i had a dream right now and that would i want 
To succeed our fallen sisters and you as well mom,  i will continue your legacy as my own 
I will become a valkyrie you will be proud of "  Frida's words made hilde teared up abit 
tears of happiness she then wiped her tears and gives Frida a pat in the head rubbing 
her palm on frida's upper head gently causing frida to giggle. then they heard a 
High Pitch scream a distressed call for help Frida tilts her head a bit to listen for the 
the upcoming footsteps and confirmed that its heading on their way  " Anomaly " 
Frida says as she turn around facing the direction of the screen " there's your first 
Prey after three years " Hilde patted her in the back notioning her to fight it 
" of course  I am after all -- errr "  she doesn't know what to call herself  " The 
Anomaly Slayer " Hilde gives her an title  that personally suits Frida causing Frida 
To Grin and summons her hildebrande and holds it backwards anticipating what's coming
from a distance she saw a woman at her 20s seemingly running away from something 
This women has a features to be describe as a petite beauty with a cute face mixed 
She has light complexion ,has darker amber colored eyes a natural pale red lips 
She has a chestnut brown long and wavy long hair paired with square like bangs 
her hair is is atleast lower waist length the outfit she wore is a sleeveless white 
Tucked in a navy blue pleated skirt she doesn't wear any sock on but flat heeled 
white sandals she wears accessories that had  gems embroided on them these accessories
are the bracelet and the necklace,  this woman is being chased Frida could tell what's chasing 

It was a very lanky black skinned humanoid about 2.5 meters tall its very lean it as if its 
skin on bones it had no ears or nose it only had two sharp glowing white eyes that that 
Looked floating inside caved in very hollow eye sockets the creature had no lips it 
showed a eights pair of jagged and sharp fangs,  it was paired with the creature's 
Razor sharp about half of meter long claws on both hands  " Help me!!! please! " 
The girl kept screaming and the police that patrols the area noticed and pulls the fire arms
and starts firing the creature the bullets simply ricochets upon hitting its skin the 
Gun fire didn't damaged the anomaly but it made it angrier it went at superhuman speed
slashing and tearing the police officers apart causing blood and guts to spill over walls 
And streets the the creature unleashed a electromagnetic roar causing power outage 
in the whole city the creature bolts toward the girl at supernatural speed rearing 
its claws and mouth wide open in attempt to grab and feed on her  its arms got cut off 
Causing it to flew away off the girl and a loud explosive like echoes across the streets
sudden can be heard.  this was Frida's punch landing on the the anomaly's head bursting
it off clean however the creature regenerates both its arm and head and tries to grapple 
Frida but she slashed its whole right arm off and grabs its whole left arm and rips it off 
With pure raw power then Frida's Disturber ring glowed resonating to her dagger and 
Stabs the anomaly in the chest she didn't removed her dagger from it letting it remain
the Anomaly couldn't regenerate nor use any of its uncharted anomalous abilities  
Frida grab it from the neck and slams it down causing the pavement to shake 

the anomaly looks at her as her eyes were glowing purple the anomaly felt a sudden 
fright coursing through it causing it wiggle and struggle as if trying to get shake off 
Frida and get away from it,  The girl too watches in awe how this 13 yr old girl overpowers
an anomaly like she was beating it as if the anomaly was a regular human then 
Frida rears her fist and finished off the anomaly with a punch right to the skull instantly 
Killing it, upon the killing the anomaly the anomalous effect has been dispersed causing
the power to return to the whole of the wall street city " Thank the gods that you were 
here thank you for saving me i owe you my life my name is Haruna Langley i am a half 
Japanese-American i lived her for a decade i am a professional investor how can i 
ever thank you for saving me?"  Haruna asked she didn't seem to mind or doesn't questions
How Frida's eyes are glowing then hilde makes a point to her eye hinting frida about her 
aura glowing from her eyes then Frida toggled off her aura " I don't know lady but 
I did that because that's the role that i must needed to do "  Frida answered awkwardly at 
The same time honestly  " You're an investor right? i couldn't ask for any more coincidence
i am actually worried about my daughter's future will you help her kick start a business 
And as well to make it a successful one?"  Hilde opens up an suggestion  " of course! 
i owe my life to your daughter allow me to use my resources, my talents and my connections
To help her build her wonderful company "  Haruna says as she puts her palm on her chest
and bows " What would be a kind of business do you want me to establish milady?"  Haruna 
Added seemingly acknowledging Frida to be her superior  " hmm an exotic and yet expensive
beauty cosmetics. i guess an cosmetics company. i gonna named it Valkyria Cosmetics  " 
Frida answered " but i don't know if i am allowed to have a bank at my age let alone be a 
President i am only 13 years old you know "  She added  " No Worries Milady! that's where 
my connections comes in!"  Haruna says proudly willingly to do everything for her savior 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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