Chapter 20: Comrade

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 Two days after the death of the yule man,  John smith was sitting inside his car 
escorted with two vans that carried armed personnel as his escorts and guards 
" What?  RS-4666 has been taken out?"  John was in phone call with Dr Wight  
" Yeah it was brutally taken out.  broken limbs a smashed sternum as another 
Dagger attack to the to the forehead and it was dragged down with such force enough
To split 4666 into half, it showed sign of struggling before death it is as if its afraid
of something after confrontation "  Dr Wight tells his Findings to John the president
processes what he is being told " the Yule man just fought something or someone 
and it started into attempting to flee for its dear life.  this behavior from an anomaly is 
Unprecedent never knew that Anomalies were capable of feeling fear "  John responded
just as about Dr about to respond the car was suddenly put on a sudden halt causing the 
Brakes to screech then suddenly gunfires were heard " Whats happening? "  John asked 
Calmly " Sir i think we're being under attacked  " One of the soldiers reported " An 
Anomaly? "  John seems to have an idea what was attacking them just as the soldier 
Next to the driver about to nod his head  he starts feeling his inside were crumbled and 
Jumbled from within " Aaaaaaa!" The soldier screamed as he is being compressed by a 
Singularity from within spaghettifying him the other the driver, john and the other two 
Soldiers immediately gets out of the car  as the car being absorbed by an singularity 
There they saw an anomaly the same that killed Frida's family they witnessed it 
Eating an armed soldier's head as if its eating an apple just grotesque and brutal  

Then it turned its attention to John and others smiling maliciously with all of its 
Jagged teeth full of fresh blood then a singularity was manifest within other two 
Soldiers spaghettifying them then it lunges at the driver who was shooting it with 
Anomaly effectiveness bullets it didn't do any much damage other than annoying the 
Anomaly then hit bites from the jugular ripping the head off and it flips the head severing
The spine as well and throws the driver's head into the side of the street john swiftly 
Pulled a hand gun from his holster and shoots it with the anomalous effectiveness bullets
but the bullets ricochets this showcase the anomaly's resistance against the bullets 
made to hurt the other anomalies  it laughed at with such low bass raspy laughter 
Then it leaped towards him with its wide gaping mouth opened, john smith remained 
Stand still accepting his fate,  but the anomaly's body froze while trying to bite at him 
Then he saw Frida was grapping the Anomaly by the foot one handed she smirked 
as her eyes glowed with menacingly purple aura  she pulled the anomaly and 
Slams it against the wall and follows it with a quick jab to the face causing the 
Anomaly to crash into one of the buildings causing the family to run away 
The Anomaly tried to use its singularity spawning powers but Frida's valkyrie blood
Resists it causing it to despawn and nullified  Frida smirked as the Anomaly bolts
Forward at her and performs a claw strike with its infectious anomalous ability 
Frida simply punch the claws causing it to shatter into pieces of sharpnels
John smith widened his eyes form witnessing this 13 year old girl just broke a 
Body part like weapon of the anomaly with just a single punch  alone 

He now Understands that this is the same girl who has snuffed out the life of yule man 
And the boogey man the anomaly unleashed a horrifying roar and rushes at Frida at 
its supernatural speed trying to overpower her with raw strength and speed 
shove her fist into its mouth stopping it from its try by simply grabbing it s seemingly
very long appendages that resemble an eye and tongue at same time hosting 
The creature nigh up grabs its throat with a grip and pulls that appendage out 
and hurls it away then Frida grabs both the roof its mouths and breaks all of its 
Front teeth with her grip and slammed the creature on the ground
And stepping its arms breaking all of its arms pulling the creatures mouth apart 
bones and flesh tearing apart can be heard audible enough for John to heart it too 
The anomaly roars but this is not a roar of intimidating or anything and John 
Recognized this roar to be filled with so much dread and fear. it is as if the 
Anomaly is afraid of being slain by this 13 year old girl.  then frida fully 
Removes the mouth from each other tearing the anomaly apart, blood sprayed
All over the place the Anomaly went stiffed and silent the anomaly was slain 
it cannot use any of its other anomalous ability due to Frida punched it with her 
Disturber ring toggled on which it has the anomalous ability to negate  and 
Completely nullification of anomalous abilities of an anomaly  " That's for killing my 
Family i gave you slow death just like you did to them " She kicked its lifeless body 
From the pavement into the garbage bin with so much precision 

" Family... wait is she "  John smith seems to finally realized who is she  " hey are 
You the missing youngest child of the Gray family?  Frida Gray? "  He asked while 
Waiting for her confirmation.  Frida turned her gaze at John as the glow from her 
Eyes fade and the sun slowly rises.  it was 6 in the morning when Frida came to 
His aid  "  Yeah i am "  Frida affirms his suspicions " My word.. she has returned 
yet  what's with the capability to kill anomalies.. just what happened to her these 
past few years she just took out one of the most powerful anomaly recorded by 
Foundation the Research Subject -001 the Proto Singularity Monster an anomaly 
With skin and bones are tough as the densest blackholes in the universe  " John was 
Baffled how a human girl like her able to do this  " Young Lady how can you able to 
Do this? to kill an anomaly ?"  He asked courageously " Oh i am just a pseudo human 
mister but lets just say that i am a valkyrie  " Frida answered  " An Valkyrie? did you 
gained the power of the valkyrie that has been saving the humanity since dawn of 
Time?"  John smith was on mark and Frida did sense that his man may posses 
a little bit knowledge about her adoptive mother   " Sorry Mister but the information
About the valkyrie related topic are confidential i suggest to ask mother that yourself " 
Frida responded truthfully  " then can you take me.. no us to her?"  he requested  
" Yes but i need to go now i need to return home i just happened to be around since 
i was doing a jog "   Frida responded to him then he hands over his business card 
To him  " Please call us and we're ready to cooperate with you we'll accept your 
Terms and conditions please give us a chance to enlist your support in 
Humanity's battle against anomalies "  John pleaded. then Frida takes his business
Card and tuck it in her pocket " okay mister we'll call you if mom decides to open 
a negotiation "  Frida nods her head and walks past by him  as john watches her fade
Into distance he grabbed his phone and called his Friend Dr Wight  " Yes its me 
Wight.. no nevermind that.  i just found a discovery of a life time "  He iterated  

[ To Be Continued ] 

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