Chapter 10: Ice Flame Ivy Realm - 2

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" These past months all i been doing is eating poisonous vegetables and 
intoxication inducing fruits " she says as she cooks the remaining fruits and 
Vegetables with intentions of making all of it as her ration " needlessly to say
It wasn't an excuse for me to skip training despite the poison in the air is 
weakening inducing " She says as she looks at the trees with several trees
and boulders broken, hinted it was either done by  punching  or kicking 
" its time for me to get a move " Then Frida grabs her handmade water bucket
And scoop water from the nearby lake and goes to her bone fire that was also 
Lit up by her handmade flint,  she then doused the bonfire and packed up her
Cooked vegetables, some fried tropical fruits and dried berries  into a hand carry
wooden chest along with her hunting and cooking tools she has made handmade 
using the resources she has found within the forest, then she starts heading towards
The left side of the realm which is the coldest side of the realm itself  " After what
I have been through in  that greenery part of the realm i am mentally prepared 
For what the left side has for me "  she says as she carefully treads through the deepest
part of the greenery in a  direction to where she is heading towards to begin with. 
There she saw the beeline, a blanket of snow grasping some of the grassy plains 
" well this is it " then frida picked up a small pebble and decides to throw it at the  
Icy and snow side of the realm and the Stone immediately frozen in mid air as its
Stand still  Frida swallowed her Saliva " This is million times worse than Antarctica "

Frida says as she saw what just what happened then Frida steps into that side and 
Walks into snowy plains and she immediately got frozen into a solid statue everything
About her is frozen except for her Valkyrie blood, upon frozen into extreme solid. her 
Valkyrie blood starts working to its adaptation to the unforgiving coldness of this region
the valkyrie blood tirelessly works in order for Frida's body to adapt to the freezing 
it took 3 months for Frida to be thawed thanks to the properties of her valkyrie blood 
due to her valkyrie blood working extra hard it made her ravenously hungry but not
Hungry enough to render her workless so she first then build an igloo using ice blocks
after finishing her igloo in two days she goes inside to keep herself warm using the 
Warmth of her blood to insulate the igloo she opens tries to frozen wooden chest
With her shaky hands, this was due to the chills she's experiencing from the extremely
harsh icy weather, her  wooden chest was completely shut so she decides to break the
upper part of the chest and pry it open and to her disappointment her ration is also 
Frozen solid, Frida sighed as she walked out of her igloo in search of the food and 
of course due to this environment was even more harsher than the previous one 
There are no animals in the sight so her search was futile attempt at finding food 
then she gaze at the glacial lakes of this region and it crossed right into her mind 

Fishes, the ones that can thrive even in the cold temperature she  knew it will even
Make her more cold if she dived down naked so she dived into the glacial lake 
She can as if her skin is being torn apart by pressure and her bones breaking  down 
Flesh being ripped through thats the sensation she feels the more she dives down
Frida despite from all of it still rose and caught up atleast three fishes she then 
Goes back to her Igloo letting the chilling winds dries her clothes up for her as she 
Grabs her flint and tries to light up a fire but due to extreme the cold temperature 
Fire wouldn't simply sparked at all Frida then looked at the three fishes she has 
Caught and one already frozen from just a minutes exposure to the cold air she has
no choice but to eat the other two Raw, it was a unpleasant taste and feeling but she 
has no choice if she wants to survive, after the meal she already feels as if the frostbite
is tearing her apart and the insulated warmth from the igloo has decreased, Frida 
needed to stay warm so she  thinking of training despite of the absolute zero environment
before going out she decided to do some push up around 200 reps then after it she went 
For a Jog and Running around a lap, while momentarily stopping to shadow box then 
Continues running and jugging around she did atleast 300 repetitions of both 

Then she uses the glaciers for her punching and kicking practices and she was delighted 
That they do not crumbled after several punches and kicks from it.  " These Glaciers are
a thousand times tougher than titanium " She deduced its toughness then continues
her hitting practice with the glaciers around, then after had her body warmed from 
alot of training she went back to her igloo and seal it up with bigger ice blocks she 
used the heat she exhumed from training to insulate and regulate the heat within the
igloo and with that she uses it as a chance to sleep and uses the igloo's warmth fading
a bit of coldness as sort of her alarm which causes for her to wake up immediately 
She did all of these on repeat every single day, catching fishes eating them raw, 
Push ups to get warm before heading out to training and after training sleep 
Meanwhile Hilde was still observing her  from the same cliff this time she's having a 
coffee paired a tamarind sandwich " You're doing great Fray my dear daughter 
Don't worry about anything just focus on adapting and training until you fully 
Conquered this Realm i had am also about half on the progress and completion
of your arsenals,  i will work on them as you train her " Hilde says as she takes a sip from her
Coffee behind her there lies,  the  still on work in progress Arsenals for Frida " Now 
Then " She puts her empty coffee cup down and eats the last tamarind sandwich 
" My Little girl can't be the only one who is working hard right " She says as she gets up 
From her chair and goes towards her mini workshop and resumes the making of the arsenals
Frida then lays down on the igloo's pavement after her training  she then closes her eyes
Then she reminisce about the experience in the greenery and towards her and sleeps 

[ To Be Continued  ] 

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