Chapter 16: Stella Pavlichenko

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10 am in the morning,  John smith was at his office reading some research 
Requests about the anomalies that the foundation has contained so far 
and these research requests requires alot of of budget funding and considering 
" Sir do you still remember about the Dust Division?"  His secretary asked while 
Arranging the file section  " The Anomaly offense Division that followed an 
Anomalous portal leading to who knows somewhere yeah i heard about them " 
John responded while flipping the next page of the research proposal  " Led by the
Human with anomalous ability called telekinesis,  Commander Stella Pavelichenko
Also with the vice commander with also anomalous ability to manipulate shadows
The Dust Division were originally from our Russian Branch right? My  President
are we not gonna organized a retrieve party for them?" The secretary asked 
" We don't even know where they are.  its not worth to blindly search them or 
spend alot of money just to attempt to build an portal  " John dismisses the idea of 
Searching the missing dust division and his secretary nod her head. meanwhile 
To where the dust division are , Monstria a planet in another universe called lunaverse
Its just far from lunastasia by atleast 3 planetary distance on a stormy island somewhere
In Monstria the skies were dark  as heck there are thunder storms raging and roaring 
From within it and winds that are atleast strong as 130 mph blowing from all sort of 
Direction,  there are atleast ten people hiding inside an unoccupied dimly light cave 
there are atleast 8 individuals in that cave and these are the dust division  

one of them is their commander Stella Pavlichenko she has a beautiful sun golden 
hair with red hue at the lower side of the hair her hair had a upper waist length and 
tied it in a long pony tail she wore a advanced teflon suit and super resistant
Kevlar this suit can resist any weather condition as well heat and cold resistance
and corrosion resistant paired with the blazer and pants and commander coat  dangling
On her back all three of it are made from  same material both are complimented with its
 black and dark red colors then finally a black gloves paired with
Knee high black armrod boots that are made from black tungsten carbide
the most toughest material in her home planet to the present date
shea lso has cosmic purple eyes paired with natural red lips  and she stood atleast 5'9 ft tall
 next to her is a 5'7 ft tall beauty with ash gray colored hair  with a butt length she had it tied in a downflow braid she has a maroon colored eyes  paired with beautiful pinkish lips just like
Stella she also had a pretty face  her name is Hanni Herzog  she wore an outfit that consists of black blazer within her uniform paired with black gloves and a Black oversized military coat she 
Also wore the similar glove and boots that stella wears behind her are the two girls wearing 
seemingly super advanced black visors these girls has butt length black and wavy hair  
Their outfit consists advanced teflon body suit paired with black chest protection that is 
made with black titanium carbide the most super advanced light but tough armor that is 
impact and bullet resistant as well  pressure resistant they wore knee high armored 
Boots that is made from the same material as well their full arm covered gauntlets 

they wield as called Pulsating Dual Sword these blades are not just any ordinary laser 
blades but swords that has super charged cultivated atom and a super heated proton 
These girls are called the Sword Maidens  next to the girls are two men wielding highly
advanced calibered assault energy rifles That can fire armor piercing energies these men are
the rifle men they wear a teflon armored suit paired with the black titanium carbide 
Chest plate, shoulder guards, armored boots,  full arm covered gauntlets but they 
Wore a full faced helmet with a red glowing orb like lenses within the helmet's mid
section glass next to the these two guys are the two men who is wielding a great hammer 
Made from the Black Granite Carbide the toughest material from their home planet 
these great hammers are atleast 4 feet tall and weighs 2 tons it had a core in the middle
of the hammer that is said to double the impacted force it delivers these men wear a 
Stocky and full body armor made of a mixed black titanium and black granite carbide 
they also wear the same helmet the riflemen has but paired with a black teflon hood 
These two are called the the juggernauts  " we indeed killed the portal man when 
we followed him but at the cost of our way home and possibly our lives " 
Stella laments her choice that she made two years ago " well we're slowly running
out of ration as well since our vehicle crashed down by one of those monsters living here
but hindset i still believe that there's still a hope and by some miracle we will be able 
to come out here by some unexpected help  "  Hanni responded to her  

then they all heard and felt a  thundering tremor then they saw a creature that is 
Atleast 118 meters tall they looked all looked up " this one's massive " one of the 
Sword Maiden comments as they got from the  cave " formation  " as soon as 
Stella said that two of the juggernauts positions themselves infront of her 
followed by the sword maidens and the riflemen at the rear then the Monster 
at the lord level near alpha kaiju level attempts to flatten them with a stomp 
Stella rose her hand and stomps its foot with telekinesis and and sends a 
Telekinetic force towards causing it to step back and shook its head  
Hanni then binds its movement its shadow to make it stop completely from moving
then the monster opened its mouth and breathes at them super heated plasma ray 
Stella points her palm against it shielding themselves with telekinesis blocking it 
the Juggernauts then rushes to its legs swinging their hammer while the Rifle 
Covers for them firing rays of energy at the monster's face targeting its eyes 
then the Juggernauts slams their hammers to the monster's legs empowered by 
Stella's telekinetic force breaks through flesh and bones of the creatures prompting 
It to lose its balance and starts falling down face first Lyudmila then stops the 
monster's falling momentum with telekinesis and catapults the sword 
maiden with telekinesis to its neck the sword maiden then rears their pulsating 
Swords and proceeds to decapitate the monster by beheading it slashing 
Through its thick hide and scales with the help of telekinetic force empowered
by their commander then they land on the monster's body using it as a 
means of getting down while stella lowers the dead Kaiju's body with telekinesis 
" Job well done "  Stella praises them then she looks at the skies watching the 
Alpha kaijus fighting at the far distance but still visible due to their size.  now 
with Leviathan the monstria's sole alpha predator disappeared from monstria 
The Alpha Kaijus are now competing against each other for that Title then 
She sighed and looks at the stars instead " Whoever you are, you who can save 
us from here i swear to give my full loyalty to you ill be waiting for you.. you 
who can bring miracle to all of us here "  Stella says hopefully from within 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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