Chapter 4: Two Years With Hilde - 2.2

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Day after tomorrow Frida met up with Hilde outside of their house after breakfast
" Milady Did you call me "  Frida says while drinking water from a bottle " Yes 
Frida starting today our training to hone your fighting moves starts  " Hilde went 
Straight to the point " As for the duration of the training it will be five months and
You'll be only having three hours of sleep and that is also of having one meal a day 
this training is will be about honing your skills and the objective is to land a hit on 
me within five months. i won't allow you to give up as well " Hilde gave her a stern  
and serious looks and Frida nods her head showing no hint of objection within her 
Eyes then hilde smiled " Looks like you got something to add go ahead tell me " 
she added " Master can you educate me verbally with middle school to advance
College level academic knowledges while i am trying to land a hit on you. i want
to be successful in life to show to you someday.  "  Hearing the last sentence made 
Hilde's heart skipped a beat it gave her warm and fuzzy feeling then she kept a mild 
smile " Yea you can count on me don't worry and focus on improving " Hilde grinned
Happily and that in turn made frida smile as well  then they both take a battle stance
then Frida takes on southpaw stance and charges forward for a in fight, then hilde
Starts teaching her verbally  while anticipating for her attacks the lesson she 
Started from is no other than the middle school academic level 

Every Punch Frida throws are met with a counter attack which sends her flying 
and crashing against walls and pavement and nonetheless she kept standing up 
And charges forward to throw attacks as she keeps the verbal lessons she hears 
From hilde within her mind punches, kicks are thrown and so is she getting thrown
From the force of counter attacks it went like this until to the 2nd where frida has
Slightly gotten better at punching and kicking so started to incorporate grappling 
To her offense and counter-offense and defense , frida decides to go for offense
while anticipating counter attacks from her master while attempting to throw 
Counter attacks against her, but as usual hilde even counters her counter attacks
Hilde was teaching her high level academics this time, Frida over time her 
Muscles and bones has adapted to the force hilde throws at her even frida knew
This isn't the actual strength of hilde but she still charges forward trying to 
Attack and counter attack her master,  while taking the listens taught to her 
verbally within her mind memorizing every words spoken from hilde perfectly 
Then at end of 3rd month which also marked the end of Hilde's advanced High
School level academic lessons, as well Frida falls on her back after being 
Battered by the counter attacks for two months straight, Frida catches her 
Breathe while she lays flat against the pavement, hilde approaches her 

" Unable to get up means death, keep that in mind Frida " Hilde offers 
Her a hand then frida looks at her hand " Yes master, in world full of 
Anomalies giving up without a fight is a senseless death " she grabbed
Her hand and gets up and hilde smiled satisfied by Frida's Answer then the two 
Continued their training to continue Frida's while hilde is teaching her college 
academic level lessons verbally  then at the final day of 5th month, hilde finished
the advance college academic level lessons the day before this time. its just a pure 
Sparring between her and Frida,  Frida charges forward and performs a step in 
With a  quick jab hilde throws a step in with a counter lead hook , frida blocks it with her
back hand and throws a left lead upper cut hilde performs a rock away and a step 
in left straight and frida blocks it with her left back hand and shifts her body to
The left and throws a fast three jabs at hilde the other punches her fist upward
And throws a punch to her right rib Frida blocks it with her right fist and throws a 
low hook kick to hilde's ankle then hilde shifts the same ankle towards the kick 
causing for their feet to entwined each other and Hilde shifts her right foot forward 
And throws rear hook to her temple frida blocks it with her left fist and hilde 
follows it with a lead upper cut to the chin Frida bobbed her head sideways and
Blocks the left lead upper with her right fist's back then Frida decides to throw 
A kick to her master's stomach with her free foot,  Hilde rose her leg to block her 
kick using a knee and hilde applies force as she hoists her knee up throwing 
Frida off her balance and she quickly grabbed the other from the collar of her 
Shirt and stops her fist just few inches from frida's nose's ridge 

" you defeated me again master " Frida smiled " guess i can't really land a 
Hit on you "  she added " You had grown so much in just five months. 
You fight like a undefeated champion now " Hilde smiled praises her heir 
" so what will be my training next master?"  Frida asked " it will be how 
to wield and fight with weapons "  Hilde says as she looks frida in the eyes and 
Finds out Frida was delighted to learn from her " Unlike the fighting moves
Weapons takes time to master, seven months in my humble opinion 
considering the adaptability of the Valkyrja blood within you " Hilde explains
And Frida nods her head happily then the two started their training for seven months
Hilde had frida started training with swords, axes, hammer, polearms, throwing weapons
one handed she trained frida vigorously in this area as she would hit Frida if the 
Posture is wrong the hit is not as little as ruler stick infact she hits Frida with a 
Dried Rhino Hide which hurts really alot its also enhanced with hilde's valkyrie prowess
Frida describes the pain to be as painful as bone and flesh shredding with burning 
Sensation this kind of training goes on for seven months until Frida masters all 
weapons to the point she can dual wield them with ease and mastery later on 
then after that Hilde will even teach Frida how to wield modern warfare weaponries
such as guns and explosives and even ones that involves technologic usages 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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