Chapter 7: Day off with Hilde -1

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Three Years later.  it was 8:30 am in the morning.  Hilde went to check on Frida 
She was surprised to see the titanium wall being torn into pieces and the titanium
Pillar being torn into half, Hilde could easily tell that this was down by punches and 
kicks through course of training within three years she even noticed that both of the
Truck and the HMS Belfast were been towed to the other side of the peninsula she 
Even noticed that the water tank is broken Hilde too this was done by a bruteforce 
she even noticed that training equipments made from mystical black diopside an 
ore from her homeworld has been bent and badly worn out due too much usage 
" Impressive. mystical black diopside is the second toughest material in lunastasia 
after the lunar but she did this just physically?"  Hilde thought to herself as she saw 
Frida who just returned from swimming back from Toronto  with her weights on 
" In Just Three years she has improved drastically. this girl has broken through the 
Peak Human limitations at age of 10 "  she added " Hey Master are you gonna add 
Another one to my training Regime?"  Frida asked " Today you got day a two days
off including tomorrow " Hilde says as she heads back inside the house and Frida 
Follows her then Hilde proceeds to cook breakfast and lunch for both of them 
While cooking Hilde Side glance at Frida noticing some physical change. like how 
Frida has been growing busts and as well  slightly gotten taller around 5'7 ft tall 

Then later in the afternoon for the first time in three years Frida had a afternoon 
nap as the soothing breeze from the sea gives her a serene feeling while laying
down on her master's Laps and Hilde caresses and combs her hair gently 
" Say master Where do Anomalies really came from? they're not originally from
This world right?"  Frida asked " That's right they're not from here originally " 
Hilde affirms her question " Please tell me more master " Frida giggled as she enjoys
being hand combed by hilde " The Anomalies are originally called Supernatural race
They're Residues from the otherworlds including mine,  they're the result of the 
Overpopulation, Supernaturals reproduces faster than human kind that's why 
Some are being taken out by adventurers and such to control their population
and in turn supernatural also eats and take out humans to control human population
And Created a perpetual equilibrium however even with such balance, there's always a residue
And just like all living beings, they are not different from the humans they too 
indulge in pleasures that lulls living beings, power, status and supremacy and domination
Hence why the Anomalies in your world and other mortal worlds are what they are 
Right now, monsters that looks down and toys the powerless humans, unlike the humans
In their worlds that posses a power that is nonexistent in this world which is Magic" Hilde
Finishes her explanation and continues hand combing Frida's beautiful dark purple hair 

" It doesn't sound fair master "  Frida says as she rubs her cheek on hilde's laps and Hilde
Chuckles softly " Nothing is fair in the world of living, even such frail worlds like this one
are not entirely abandoned by god, Protectors like my old friend rock stone and now 
this world is about to protected by you  " Hilde smiles as she caresses Frida's cheek
And she giggled in response " What was your world was like master?" Frida asked while 
Enjoying pats and caresses from her " it was a very scenic world filled to the brim with 
Wonders of nature and diversity of races even though it was in constant threats from 
Demons and Dragons and the dungeons were basically a hellhole and death traps but 
Once cleared very rewarding, despite  of its ups and downs it was a very nice world 
things has probably changed after we left i even remembered meeting the little girl 
who was prophesized to defeat the dragon queen and demon queen together "  
Hilde answers her question and frida was satisfied of her answers " Then what 
About the reason why you and your sisters has leave your home world?" Frida 
Asked another question again and Hilde then pinches her cheeks soft causing
Frida to giggle then she smile mildly before responding to her question 

" Valkyries are incapable of reproducing we're sterile  from the day we received our powers
It was a small price for the powers we wield, that's why there's only thirteen of us 
But Freya noticed we were not immortals we just had posses longevity, the capability
To live longer,  i guess around 10,000 years or so is the limit of our life span, 
Freya the oldest of sister made a theoretical plan to find ways to transfer our Valkyrie
Blood to someone we call Heir, so us the 12 sisters went to different worlds
Leaving our youngest sister Randgris back in our home world because luna
Has chosen her to become one of the deities in our world meanwhile as for me
I ended up in this world and met  you few thousand years later, unfortunately 
Among 12 of us only me had succeeded thanks to the idea of my old friend rock but 
I wasn't able to meet a potential and suitable heir until you are born " Hilde gave 
her a very long explanation and Frida nods her head affirming that she understood 
All of it " Heir eh..  you know that word means something else in this world " Frida
added " And what is it that?" Hilde ask while patting frida in the head gently " a family 
member that inherits everything from you " Frida's response made Hilde widened her
Eyes " I think that word means something else in this world... but i guess your heir
Will someday tell you "  She suddenly remembered rock's words back then one of the 
words spoken from  that became tree  then Frida faces her and smile " Master can you 
Be my adoptive mother? " Frida asked smiling genuinely, Hilde felt warm within her 
and tears runs down from her eyes then she placed her palm on Frida's cheek 
" you don't have idea how that simple request made me the happiest woman in this 
world, of course I'd love to become your mother and i am proud and happy to call 
you my daughter " Frida hugs her and Hilde responded by hugging her back as well 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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