Chapter 5: Hilde's Improvement Training -1

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year after, 5am  While Frida just arrived from jogging she opened a water bottle and drinks
Hilde approaches who also seemed to had finished her cigarette and puts it off 
" since you already had mastered the weapons and can dual wield them without 
Any difficulty its time to move to the improvement training " Hilde looks frida in the 
Eyes seriously and the other looked back and nods her head then hilde raises the 
cube she's holding nigh which then the cube glowed and manifests all of the training
Equipments needed.  " Alright lets start " Hilde added " Yes master " Frida responded 
Willingly she's all willing to take on the trainings that hilde has to offer   
And from there Hilde's Hellish and Extreme spartan training started,  at first she made
Frida to start from basics such as weight lifting, push ups, curl ups, sit ups, stretches 
the minimum weight for the weight lifting first started with limit of 20 kilos and the 
Running of barefooted is also only limited to the sandy shores of the saint ignace 
Then the weight limit keeps increasing and increasing as frida continues to surpass
and also the distance limit of running and jogging also have increased continuously
As she also continue to surpass it, the repetitions have also been increased at first
it starts from 100 then to 200, 400, 500 and eventually 650 repetitions, Hilde was 
Genuinely surprised of how Frida's valkyrie blood is adapting faster and making 
Frida's physical capabilities to improve faster and better than average valkyrie's 

" She's blessed with excellent genes as well " Hilde knew about it as well as she 
Observes her heir,  the night time regime is different than the morning ones 
in night hilde train frida in field of senses, she had Frida's eyes tightly covered
nose plugged and ears plugged she's only allows to breathe through mouth 
she only has to use her sense of feeling to dodge, block and counter
attacks from hilde using a wooden sword against hilde's regular long sword
this is to improve her sense of feeling to feel a threat beyond human capacity
there are also nights where hilde had Frida bathe under a  very fast moving 
Waterfall in order to train her sense of hearing and sense of feeling in order
To be to discern different sounds admist of noises and also to improve 
Frida's mental mapping of her surrounding using her sense feeling 
then she would also train Frida's sense of smell in some nights by exposing her
to different aromas and odors Frida has to endure them even to the point 
it hurts her nose and making her feel sick, but she persists through also
Hilde would train Frida's sight by making her wear a full faced helmet with 
eye holes that are as small as green bean, Hilde would have frida find her from far
Distances and the second part of that training was making frida stay all night in the 
basement of their house where there's no windows and any other source of light 
Hilde has summon some wisp and Frida has to find them in midst of this pitch
black darkness of course with her still improving human naked eyes 

Frida did these trainings day and night with only small amount of nutrition she's only
Allowed to eat two times a day, and her meals consisted two eggs a slice of cheese
one mushed pomegranate appetizer, small rice ball, one banana and milk 
then as well one protein bar and bottle of water as a snack whenever she takes 
10 minutes break from training hilde noticed the a huge improvement on physical 
capabilities she decided to throw in another regime to the training and that is 
Making Frida swim from Michigan across Toronto and that as well included Dive 
Swimming this to improve lung capacity and as well improve mobility and to 
As well improve any other aspects of physical capabilities " of course master I will 
train with my hardest effort"  Frida agreed to the added regime and proceeds to do it 
With even a breathe of rejection, Hilde watches her running towards the sea and 
Starts swimming and the other starts swimming, Hilde then manifests her Valkyrie 
wings and ascends then casted invisibility to herself then she follows Frida from the 
Air tailgating her,  She's worried if Frida wasn't strong enough to swim into waves
or gets a sprain and drowned to her Frida is like a daughter already so she followed her
Silently " on the side note i kind of felt guilty, she's still young she's only seven years old
she just lost her entire family two years ago instead of spending time for mourning 
for their loss she instead spent her years training with me.  but none the less i was 
happy that she chose to become my heir, whoever your parents are Frida, i swear it on 
my remaining time left and i will raise you in their stead and turn you into a strong and 
wonderful person "  Hilde speaks and swears in her heart internally as she follows 
Frida who was swimming vigorously against the waves fighting and resisting its force 
in Frida's mind perhaps this was what hilde wants is to frida to breakthrough her human 
Limits and she's willing to respond accordingly " you gave me home and knowledge 
I am still young right now but if doing this makes you the happy and if my growth 
makes you happy then i will do it without a doubt. to my parents and sister who is 
In peace, please watch how i grow up and don't worry about me i am in a very 
good hands "  Frida says internally smiling and grinning through as could feel her 
Muscle aching from trying to swim through against the waves " It will take more than 
That to push me wave o mighty ocean!" then Frida bravely dives into the water and 
Swims holding her breathe as long as she can so that she can swim through the waves
she struggle but no sign of giving up she forces her arms and legs to swim underwater 

[ To Be Continued ]  

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