Chapter 3: Two Years with Hilde -2.1

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After spending a year with hilde, learning some life skills and some of knowledge
That are not obtained through academics, Frida has mastered all of her life skills
She even learned and mastered strategy she even learned about on spot 
Critical thinking and quick analysis and quick decision making hilde also thought
Now Frida is seven years old she thought that its about time to teach frida about 
Fighting styles she rose up from her seat and approaches her apprentice 
" Frida " she calls her " Yes?" Frida comes downstairs seemingly still reading a book
About Crime and Psychology " oh sorry were you still reading that?" Hilde fiddles
her fingers together apologetically " uhm no my miss i just finished reading it right
After you called me " Frida responded to assure her that she didn't interrupt anything
Follow me to the outside of the house Frida then puts the book at the shelf and follows
her master.  infront of their house " You can obviously learn all fighting styles but i want 
you to pick fighting style that you are comfortable the most.  here i will show some 
Fighting moves from different fighting styles make sure to remember them " Then Hilde
Begins demonstrating boxing moves such as Jabs, Straights, Crosses,  Hooks, Uppercuts 
She even demonstrate some motions in it such as bob and weave, step in and step out
she even demonstrate the boxing stances and in fight and out fight boxing moves 
Frida nods her after registering all of the details within her memory, next hilde demonstrates
Taekwondo kicks such as the front kick, side kick, round house kick,  the back kick 
the reverse side  kicks then hilde would go on whole day to demonstrate all moves 
From all of the fighting stylesthat earth has offered Frida was amazed by this 

after that day Hilde would let Frida researched into some moves like taking her to the internet
Cafes and watches hours of videos of the fighters from those fighting styles fight another fighter
She even took to all kinds of training facilities for specific fighting style across the world
They did this for a week and frida made sure to make a mental note and memorized the 
Moves, then after going home hilde, then utilized hundreds of practice dummies for Frida 
To practice the fighting moves she just learned.  Frida practices the moves on the dummies
while reading book about old marketing strategies and business plans that has been
used and filed and unused many years later from several companies across the world she 
was basically studying entrepeneurship while practicing fighting moves on the dummies 
Hilde lets her do this for two weeks.  then two weeks later. at night hilde took a stroll 
outside of the house to get fresh air and looks at where the practice dummies are. her lips
Crept a smile upon seeing those dummies are either destroyed or dismantled she already
Figured what sort of fighting moves are used upon " looks like she spent two weeks
Trying and figuring out the fighting moves and analyzed their strengths and weaknesses"
Then Hilde takes out a cigarette from her pocket and lights up and smokes it then she 
Looks up at the night skies and stares at the stars " there are 12 visible constellations
 tonight huh,  12 just like my 12 sisters.. speaking of sisters.. how is Randgris doing 
In our homeworld right now? is she still alive? or did she finally found a way to 
to pass on our valkyrie blood to a heir of her own? "  Hilde ponders then smile 

" somewhere in my heart believed that she's still right there doing her best even she's 
the youngest  and the most inexperienced valkyrie " she added as she suck up the 
filter of cigar and puffed a smoke " ah rock stone my friend i finally found my heir
I already succeeded what my sisters and i failed.  this girl will be the modern day's 
Psuedo Valkyrie, a human that had my blood " she puffed the smoke from her lips 
After snickering the cigar more,  " She's prodigy Rock, she's someone who is going 
To surpass both of us " Hilde then smile mildly while talking to her friend's soul 
meanwhile Frida is sitting on her bed while reading about economy related books
She's reading 10 books of it with different varieties while thinking of what fighting 
Moves she deems most effective in actual fight against any fighters of any level 
" Boxing is indeed excellent,  it allows you to defend the specific areas that are
Considered the most vita it even allows the use of of hybrid evasion and offend 
So it doesn't restricts footing and leg movements  " she stated as she flips the 
next pages of the books she's reading.  " High kicks leaves me open to any of attacks
from below, that's why i am going for the low altitude kicks pair it with hybrid
evasion from boxing it becomes twice as effective allow more windows for me to 
Counter attack she then flips the next pages of her ten books and continues her 
analysis while reading all of the ten books " i guess also add grappling to complete
The fighting style that i wanted it allows me to restrict movements also stop 
Attacks and counter attacks and allowing me to also counter attack, yeah i think
That's it boxing, low kicking and grappling the fighting styles that i needed " 
She decided and with that taken care of, she spent the rest of the night to 
Read the variety of books about the economy, while playing chest against 
Grand Masters of chess to improve her mental capacity and concentration 

Hilde Knocks on the door while carrying a food tray filled with a warm milk
a ripened sweet banana, sliced red eggs on veggies and a side dish of dried tamarind
Frida upon seeing these was delighted since these meals are not only healthy 
But are also nutritional " Looks like you are studying something again " Hilde says 
as she goes towards frida and puts the food tray on the table besides her bed 
" Its just i won't able to come to school anymore since i had set my life on 
Hunting down Anomalies  as your heir so i figured out to homeschool myself
and learn from any sources that are available to me "  Frida giggles after replying 
To her master as she continues what she's doing " This is fine. i gonna raise 
This girl into the finest anomaly killer and i will make sure of it " she then 
Placed her palm on frida's head giving frida pats in the head and smile 
then she proceed to watch the chess matches of frida to kill time 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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