Chapter 2: Two years with hilde -1

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While Frida is Sitting in the couch at the other side of the couch is where  
Hilde is sitting  Frida looks at her with full attention willing to learn 
" The first lesson i will teach you today is about the valkyrie blood that 
 I gave to you "  Hilde opens up  " the valkyrie blood you gave to me ?" Frida 
Asked as she tilted her head wondering what the woman was talking about 
Hilde gave off a soft sigh " first I'd have to apologize that i had altered your 
Life forever by giving you my valkyrie blood in order to heal your injury 
i also declared as my heir for it. you look trustworthy and i was right " 
Hilde explains and Frida once again tilts her head in wonder, wondering why 
This woman is apologizing to her for saving and changing life frida knew 
She had to say something " You didn't have to apologize for changing me. 
perhaps this change is what i needed to achieve my goal from here on. 
I am happy and glad you gave me a second wind to live my life that's why 
you don't have to apologize to me master "  Hilde was shocked indeed but 
From two things.  one is the determination of this kid and the second Frida 
Could speak in full sentence without even a hint of stuttering it didn't even take 
Hilde alot to conclude that this little girl named Frida is indeed a born Prodigy 
The surprised on hilde's facial expression turned into a smile with her dragon like
Eyes glittering with comfort knowing her successor is a gem needed to be polished

" Alright back to the topic. the valkyrie blood not only gives you genes that elevates 
Your physical prowess and capabilities it will strengthen both of the mind and body 
but that's not all about it. what so special about this blood " She looked at Frida
Seeing Frida has not broken a single eye contact at her and was listening wholeheartedly 
" It has something to do with the arsenal we use.  the arsenal we use are the ones made
To fight and defeat the anomalies the arsenals we use remains passive all the time 
But we can activate them by simply commanding them through our thoughts process alone" 
Hilde briefed " Master" Frida raised her hand  " hmm?" Hilde humors her question 
" Would it be alright if i choose the types of weapons ill be using " Frida's question indeed
Made a point. instead of had frida only inherited just a specific broad sword from her but 
It won't be a noteworthy to make a arsenal she's comfortable it rather than forcing the 
Choice of arsenal from her preference " Okay I will Make Your Arsenals of your liking and 
Requests but only after you finished your training with me " Hilde put a condition and 
Which Frida nodded her head in agreement starting by next  day Frida spent months
with hilde cooking and serving her food that makes her grow stronger, like bacon and eggs
a warm milk at night and during breakfast, vitamin juices and nutritional soup at noon
Hilde also always bought bananas, figs, Kiwis and apples for her Frida ate them happily 

Hilde also taught her about the anomalies, imparting her knowledge about anomalies to 
Frida about their classification, their capabilities,  their habitats and about the importance
of female anomalies to their kin,  she even taught frida about their hunting patterns and 
behaviors and lastly taught her about how anomalies shard  one common ability and that 
is the eyes of appraisal the ability to obtain any information in instant through gaze 
Frida spent her days like this learning while eating foods provided by hilde in order to 
become stronger and more  knowledgeable about the anomalies she even find out that 
they used to be called as the "supernaturals" then became known as Anomalies after 
The Anomaly containment foundation and research society also shortly known as ACFRS 
Dubbed them as that. Frida even learned  that the foundation was established as early as
1800s Hilde was so proud that her prodigy of disciple is learning  so fast at all then she 
Decides to add more to her Study Regime with her valkyrie wings and the ability to 
Become invisible even to the eyes of the anomalies she took Frida with her and soar 
Across the world with the purpose to teach Frida more wanting Frida to become flexible 
Rather than just being good at hunting down and killing anomalies later on 

With the help of valkyrie genes inside her it greatly improved Frida's memory and her 
Ability to memorized everything in a photo like memory and thanks to Hilde taking her 
to different places Frida now learned all language she can know speak and write in all 
Languages including the hardest ones like the ancient hieroglyphics, seeing that Frida
is also eager to learn more, hilde taught her life skills ranging from cleaning, to cooking 
To even how to paint both concrete and metal, to plumping and welding to even wiring 
Electricity and electronic components, Frida for months learned and practice all life skills
on repeat so  That she could master them after 8 months Hilde finally taught her
 how do smithing So that one day Frida would be able to craft things that are essential 
For arsenal Hilde was patient and happy about showing frida the process from how 
it started and how to finish it Frida observes and even go as to draw and write it in 
Details so she could review them and practice them later.  Frida then did the Smithing 
and crafting for next three months Frida right now feels blessed. to have met a kind 
Valkyrie that would rise her as if she's hilde's own and Frida within inside her vow 
to meet hilde's expectation no..  to rather even exceed Brunhilde's Expectations  
Meanwhile Hilde on the other hand was willing teach frida more but in the next she 
Plans to teach Frida about combat and what is there to learn and to understand 
Hilde knew that was the first step is to teach her knowledge about fighting before 
applying it to a actual physical actions,  she wont start the physical training now 
not at very least until Frida hits seven years old to handle harsh roadworks 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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