Chapter 19: Soul Mate

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hours after the fight between the anomaly and frida passed .  the foundation arrived
and secure the area and its parameters the foundation armed personnel surrounds
The area just a minute later a 2005 black chrysler 300 arrived at the scene one of the 
of the personnel opened the doors of the car  John smith goes out of the car along 
With his companion a handsome caucasian man with trimmed beard and mustache 
he wears a scientist themed outfit  He is Doctor Wight one of the top researchers of the 
Foundation both walk even though John was the president he dislike the idea of just sitting
around so he joins his bestfriend doctor wight in investigations  then Dr Wight proceeds to 
Inspect the corpse of the anomaly " so how is it?"  John asked " it was attacked and killed 
Alright but not by an anomaly "  Wight answered " What do you mean by not done in by an 
Anomaly " John raised an eyebrow  " There was a wound on its  chest that is seemingly 
Struck by a dagger not to mention " he showed John anomaly energy meter that has a 
Zero reading  " this anomaly seems to have lost its anomalous abilities before it was 
Given a coupe de grace " His findings baffled both John, the investigators, researchers
and armed personnel in the area as this was the first time happening after millenia of
 on  going battle of humanity against anomalies " not only there's a persons capable 
of defeating a very dangerous anomaly not to mention capable of disabling their 
Anomalous abilities a capability not even the sorcerers are capable of doing so " 
John processes, sorcerers are what people with anomalous abilities are called as 

" This anomaly shares the same capabilities as other high dangerous entity like 
being impervious to human made weapons,  blast and impact resistance 
it had a very electromagnetic bones and bio synthetic organs yet it was killed by a 
simple punch to the skull with enough force to kill it "  Wight explains any further 
" This Anomaly looks like  RS No. 015 Boogeyman  looks like it managed to escape 
its enclosure and captivity  "  John seems to recognized the anomaly and from which
Brand it was contained from.  he task the personnel to clean up the area and to get 
Rid of the anomaly's corpse.  sometimes later Hilde told Frida to do not hunt any anomaly 
for the mean time and to focus on her company that she just had kickstarted,  Frida 
Agreed to the suggestion of her mother and uses all of the knowledge she has studied 
about entrepreneurship with the help of her business now her vice president Haruna 
Haruna helps her with the investments and establish social networks and as well 
Advertisement and business partnerships while Hilde helped them by financing them 
by selling her antique and ancient gems and jewelries which can be praised somewhere
50 to 200 million dollars making Frida one of the youngest millionaires in the history 
their company valkyria Cosmetics starts hiring just after 2 months of settling up and 
only hired truly skilled and talented and hard working individuals without caring 
about their educational background making Frida loved by her co workers the 
Company kept going on and on raising to the top making profits and high quality 
Cosmetic products that in just 11 months they took the world by a storm  

Winter has Arrived snow blankets the whole city causing the most beautiful season for 
Some,  December 21st In Friedlich Household " No i don't want to be this guy's 
Arranged Fiancee "  Essentia protests  " But.. he's willing to stay until you're-- " 
Before Her mother could finish her sentence,  Essentia then grabs the knife and 
Rush towards the living room where her supposed arrange fiancee was at  
"Essentia dear! " her mothered yell while running after her  just as Essentia was about
To Lunge at the boy with intentions of stabbing him with a knife  but Her older brother 
Jumps in between and stops essentia from attacking the boy while their mother quickly
Grabs the knife off essentia's knife the boy was sweating in fear by seeing what he just 
witnessed that his supposed arranged fiancee just almost took his life " I will decide 
Whom i gonna love and marry! none of you are gonna decide that for me! " Essentia 
broke from her brother's grasp and storms out of the house " Essentia! "  her family called
out to her but she proceed to run ever more into the snowy weather despite only wearing
a fur coat  " I gonna go after her "  Earl runs after his little sister but she proved to be nimble
and fast on her feet he had no choice but to follow his little sister through her footprints
In the snow but he shocked to see a not normal sized footprints twice the size of a human foot
He is now worried and increased his speed " Essentia! " He kept yelling while running 
and searching through his little Sister hoping for her to answer him.  but little did he know 
Something already happened to her she was unconscious being carried in the shoulders of 
The Naked very tall anomaly his appearance is that very old and very thin  he had no genitals 
Either he had a gnarly long beard white long hair slicked to the back with sets he had very 
Large bulbous eyes mostly filled with blackness and a white irises he had sets of razor 
Sharp teeth unbeknownst to both Earl and Essentia,  she was atleast carried by the anomaly
From Detroit near one of the michigan islands but the anomaly seems to do not know 

Whose Territory he's treading in minutes later Essentia regains consciousness and 
notices she's been carry by this old man looking anomaly she flails and starts 
Screaming prompting the anomaly to toss her across the pavement luckily for her, 
The snow has cushioned her impact only causing bruises the Yule man then grabs 
His Hack saw and attacks Essentia with in attempts to cut her down but Frida 
Appears from behind Essentia bolting forward parrying the attack causing for 
The Anomaly to stumble backwards the anomaly growled at Frida then she smirked
as her eyes glows purple this causing the Anomaly to be intimidated but out of 
instinct it attacks frida with all of his might then Frida parries his strikes causing
his Hack saw to break the anomaly then leaped out from her and she follow suit 
the old man pulls out the a butcher knife and does a cleaving strike does a Sliding
Parry causing his butcher knife to slid down Frida stomps his wrist down to the ground
breaking all of its bone in his whole arm causing the old man to wince loudly in pain 
then it attacks with its razor sharp claws from its left arm Frida smacks his claw 
away with her back hand causing its claws to snap upon hitting her skin then she grabs his
Wrist and slashes its arm off  the old man tries to do a lunging bite with its mouth opened 
very widely she just simply kicked him in the sternum flunging him against the frozen 
Tree causing the tree to crash down upon impact " s-so strong and powerful.. she's only
5 year older than me.. yet she took down an anomaly  " Essentia couldn't believe what 
she's seeing.   " now then "  Frida flickers dagger and approaches the old man anomaly 

She walks towards him with her eyes glowing with menacingly purple aura the old man
Entity fearing for its life starts to back away from Frida by crawling backwards with its 
legs only as both arms were completely severed and broken off him then Frida placed 
her boots against the entity's sternum " This is for all the families and children you had 
Killed Yule man " she then sinks her dagger on his heand and pulls it down slicing him 
Into half causing blood to smother at her  this put an end to the anomaly then Frida 
Turns her head to Essentia as she unsummons her dagger and then the glow from her 
Fades then she walks towards Essentia and carries her in princess style, Essentia blushed
from her suddenness  " lets put the introduction aside later you'll freeze out here " 
Frida says she starts walking heading towards where her house is  " How come you are 
not affected by  the cold?"  Essentia wondered " oh i am immune to temperature changes" 
Frida responded,  Essentia knew its not possible for a normal human to be immune to 
Temperature changes but right now she sees Frida as knight in white armor so she 
Decides not to question whether if Frida is a human or not,  moments later. 
Essentia was inside their abode sitting a warm couch with warm change of clothing 
she was also warp in fur blanket she was holding a cup of hot coco to warm her up 
even though Frida and Hilde immune to cold they turned the heater on for her  
Essentia's eyes wanders around seeing lively colorful christmas decors in the house

then her eyes moved to frida and blushed  " Introduce yourself lass " Hilde asked her 
For introduction  " I am Essentia Lovell Friedlich.  i came from a wealthy family that 
owns several business ventures i am currently 9 years old, i lived in Atlanta but 
we move to detroit every winter holidays to visit our grand parents "  Essentia 
introduces herself  " uhmm are you an anomaly?"  she asked frida causing both frida
and hilde to chuckle softly  " I Guess if you put it in a way what you saw today.  no i am 
not an anomaly but a valkyrie "  Frida responded " a valkyrie?" she tilt her head as she 
heard about it but it was in the fantasy stories  " by the way do you have someone 
Looking for you?"  Hilde asked  " I Think my older brother followed me after i stormed
out of the house  "  She answered " mind telling us what happened?"  Hilde asked 
concerned about the young girl  she nodded and decides to tell them everything 
" I see that must have been 3 hours ago.  your brother may been worried sick " 
Hilde responded " and its gonna take another 3hours to get here.  mom i think
you should turn the forcefield off so this place can be located "  Frida suggested " I'm on it
Daughter "  Hilde says she steps out of the house   " and you call your older brother " 
Then Essentia takes her phone out and starts calling her older brother and telling him 
What happened and where she is now.  this gives earl a sense of relief and said to 
Essentia that he's on his way to the said location as essentia gives him the coordinates
" then i will go whip us a dinner " Frida says as the phone call ends " Uhmm.. do you 
Have pencil and paper i want to draw something " Essentia requested,  Frida 
Complies as she goes to the book shelf and grabs a spare unused paper and 
pencil and walks to essentia and hands them over   " Thank you "  Essentia thanked 
her and frida smiled and walks back to the kitchen to prepare and cook dinner 

Then 3 hours later while waiting for earl to come. the three of them sat in the living 
Room.  Hilde was reading a women's fashion tread magazine while Frida is playing 
Crossword  " uhmm its finished "  Essentia speaks catching the attention of both 
of them  she handed the fully drawn outfit  " I had drawn it for you and it looks 
Perfect on you "  then both Frida and hilde inspects the drawing and they were 
Amazed on how immaculately detailed it was.  the outfit consists of  Long Sleeved
Polo for women tucked in a high pleated skirt both are in black color but with a purple 
Hue on it paired by black thighs and black leather shoes the outfit also is also complimented
by a detachable flowy train garment that had cosmic purple hue from within it. the 
garment has three pockets at the left side and four pockets at the right side the garment 
has unique designed on each side. a shark tail on the left side and three dangling belted 
Straps on the right side the garment is tightened with a purple belt alongside its two 
belt like straps that crosses each other it had a golden chain that connects from the 
Chest pocket of the polo to the bottom pocket at the right side of the garment 
" Amazing "  Frida praises her artistic talent " Hehehe since you said you're a valkyrie 
people always depict them as strong armored warriors with unparalleled beauty 
then i want to make the design for your armor heheh i am looking forward to 
see you wearing this someday hehehe " Essentia happily stated " can you make this 
outfit mother?"  Frida whispers to hilde  " sure it looks fulfilling to create "  Hilde 
Responded then there was a knock on the door and they opened it.  it was earl 
they welcomed him in and invited him for a dinner  he respectfully accepted it 
since it was 6:40 pm in the evening already  then they all went to the kitchen and 
says a few words of gratitude for the food and they started eating  

After eating earl, decided that it was time to leave so he bade them a farewell as 
he step of the door  but Essentia runs back to Frida and grabs a round earring that 
is made from from black diamond it had a glitter  dust from within that resembles 
like the constellation of stars in the night skies.   " hehehe this is my gift for you 
Please always remember me with this one we'll never know if we gonna meet again" 
Essentia says sheepishly " are you sure about this?  this looks really expensive " 
Frida asked " you saved her life, and i honestly cannot thank you enough for it 
Her life is worth more than the jewelries please accept her gift..  Just for her alone " 
Earl insisted for Frida to accept it  " thank you so much.. but in exchange i give you 
This one Frida takes off her necklace that is made from Lunastasian silver ore  
it had a exhausted star core compressed into a gem within the middle of the crucifix 
it glistens whenever exposed to a light  " beautiful... " Essentia was in awe of how 
Beautiful it looks  " then we will be taking our leave now "   earl says he bows to them 
In respect  turns around starts walking " hey "  Frida calls prompting earl to pause  
" You and your family should start respecting her wishes and desires.  Let her choose
Whom she want to love and marry okay? "  She reminded him  "  I will make sure to 
Tell my parents this and accept this suggestion wholeheartedly "  Earl gave a 
Reassuring smile to signify that he's gonna keep his word Essentia wave at 
Them as she walks away and both Frida and hilde waved at her a farewell with a smile

[ To Be Continued ] 

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