Chapter 8: Day off With Hilde - 2

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Dawn that day While Frida is still sleeping, Hilde went to the basement with her 
Golden eyes glowing in midst of darkness,  she widened her eyes upon seeing  
25 glass Jars full of will o wisp, the exact number she wanted Frida to see and 
Didn't even thought Frida would caught all of them " these guys are even invisible 
to the eyes of anomalies since they're the soul fragments of the fallen adventurers from
my world looks like her eyes has finally adapt the capacity to detect and see anomalies
That are not visible to the human's naked eyes " Hilde smiles as she sorted out the 
jars and puts them inside her dimensional storage cube.  then heads back upstairs
four hours later, 8 am the two of them had a breakfast together first time in awhile 
their breakfast consists of Mushroom Gratin, Fried Beet, fried eggs, spicy fried rice
paired with milk and water as beverages and mushed pomegranate as side dish 
the two offers the words of gratitude before eating and they eat their breakfast 
" Frida its about time to  tell you about the other properties of valkyrie blood 
Aside from its physical adaptation " Hilde opens up and Frida looks at her with 
Anticipation in her eyes " I'm listening mom " Frida responded, then Hilde nods her
head and continues explaining " the other properties of the valkyrie blood is to heal 
a person's disease no matter how medically impossible they are through blood 
Transfusion of course its different when transferring your valkyrie blood's powers 
You'd have to declare someone your heir " she looks at frida and the other nodded
Listening to every word she says then hilde puts down the empty glass after drinking water

" and the other aspect of the valkyrie blood is of course to use the powers of the 
Valkyrie and that is commanding the abilities and effects of your arsenal the limit 
of the arsenal's ability is two abilities but can vary depending on your choice
However this is just the level 3's limitation of your valkyrie blood " then Frida 
Looked at hilde and asked " there are levels to my blood?"  hilde nods at her 
" There are three levels of restrictions in the Valkyrie blood since you're a human 
with that power basically a Psuedo Valkyrie,  The Level 2 restriction when unlocked
Gives you the Valkyrie Wings,  I won't say what it can do you'll find out when you 
Truly needed to unseal it but you should never unlocked  the restriction level 1 unless
if you're prepared to cast away your humanity "  She finishes explaining  "Yes mother
I understand "  Frida responded and Hilde Stood from her seat and gave her a pat in 
The head causing frida to giggle " Get yourself fixed up We're going somewhere today " 
She added " Eh  where are we going mom?" Frida asked  " I'm going to get you a gift
as a reward for your efforts " Frida's eyes gleams with joy upon hearing that " Yes mom!"
She responded happily and went upstairs to take a bath and to get changed then 
They later went to New York and stopped a cellphone shop " Pick anything you like 
Frida " Hilde urges and Frida runs over to the display cases and " I want this one!" 
Frida points her finger at the Samsung Galaxy A13 " That don't look like a new model
dear " Hilde scratches at the back of her head " Samsung has a reputation of being
durable and galaxy could also mean other world A- stands from Alpha meaning the first
13 is the number of valkyrie sisters.  A13 could entirely mean the very first valkyries hehe" 
Hilde was shocked but at the same time was very happy of how thoughtful Frida is 

" Excuse Me I'd like to purchase this "  Hilde points at the cellphone frida wanted
then she starts signing the warranty and receipt after paying,  here to commemorate
my first gift purchase together " Hilde hooks Frida's arms and takes a selfie together
Frida too was smiling very happily when she took the photo " we also give free 
key chains if you'd like one " the sales clerk mentioned " which  one do you like " 
She asked Frida  " that one!" the other pointed at the cute shark key chain " You
Like sharks eh? " Hilde raises her eyebrow " Mmm! hehehe! " Frida giggles then 
Hilde smiles " That one please  "  she says to the clerk " Here you go Ma'am "  
the clerk handed the key chain to her,  then hilde attached the kitchen to the phone
" Let's go Frida, we got alot of places to visit today "  She added " Yes mother! " 
Frida responded as she hold Frida's hand like a kid holding his mother's hand 
then both left the store  " What beautiful pair of mother and daughter and had a 
Very healthy and happy mother and child relationship too "  the clerk says as  he eyes the 
Two from the glass windows of the shop " But still their hair color and eye colors are 
Entirely different from each other, i guess you can't really judge what the families 
are like now adays " He then goes back to man the cashier minding his own business 
then the night fall arrive both frida and hilde arrived at the riverside park and takes 
Their seat both  then gazes at the city lights in the skies as if they're colorful stars 
Frida's was in awe, as lights of the city reflects within her purple eyes upon
First time seeing them since she lives in a on retrospective town like Michigan 

Hilde reaches her hand to her and gave her a pat in the head " Have you given a thought
What kind of Arsenals you want to use someday?" she asked " are you gonna make 
Them for me?! " Frida asked excitedly which in turn made Hilde chuckled " Mhm 
I will but it will take me time to  make them, ill give it to you once your training is 
Done " She added as she caresses Frida's hair softly " Yay! " Frida reacts happily 
" then what i want as arsenal are are a pair of Chained Anchors like the ones belfast has!
also a pair of long swords with serrated blades!, oh also i want a pistol! a desert eagle!
as well a combat dagger and many more! hehe"  Frida then keeps  telling Hilde what
Kind of Arsenals she wants to own and use to hunt against Anomalies she listened
To what her daughter requests and she smiles while nodding her head taking 
a very clear mental note in her memory about the arsenals requested then she 
Cupped Frida's cheeks  and placed her forehead against Frida's forehead " Mom?" 
Frida is confused by this sudden action " I'm going to give you a nickname 
Fray, a shortcut for Frida Gray and also it sounded similar to the name Freya 
my oldest sister,  Fray that would be your nickname from here on " Hilde then place
A kiss on Frida's forehead " Fray" Frida Iterates  "I love it, and its insignificance " 
Frida accepted the name and gave Hilde the tightest hug she could and Hilde hugged
Her back then she caresses Frida's beautiful purple hair while she's hugging her 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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