Chapter 14: Lydie Morgan

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in a creamy whited  color themed Mansion situated in Anchorage city of Alaska 
the design was done in a modernly designed bungalow three slotted garage 
a small garden and a swimming pool in the front of the house guarded by 
Walls and electric fences for protection. the mansion belongs to the Morgan family
However the wife Sicily Morgan and the Husband Alfredo Morgan are not always home
Since they are both renowned business owners, their sole daughter Lydie Morgan 
Are being accompanied and taken care of by their maids, Lydie was sitting on her 
chair in her own room leaving the door open so that maids could come in and out 
Lydie has a long hair which has length that reaches her bottom waist her color is 
Black with blue hue on it.  she has a pretty face paired with light toned complexion 
she has navy blue eyes complimented with natural pale red lips.  Her parents wanted
Lydie to take after their steps to become a business owner like them but Lydie didn't 
Want to follow their desire and wants to follow her own, she wanted to be a lawyer 
She even bravely opened up about this to her parents and after seeing their daughter is 
Determined to follow her ambition so they agreed to let her daughter follow her desire 
And supports her decision until she finally achieve it she's been given study materials 
so she can advance study it at such age due to Lydie is too a born prodigy and she's only 
around 10 years old.  2 years younger than Frida who spending 2 years in ice flame ivy realm 

" i think i am done studying this book i guess ill go get something to read to take my 
Mind off from studying "  then she goes downstairs with one of hair maid escorting her 
to downstairs even though Lydie didn't like how her maids has to pamper her but she 
Cannot get them hired from their jobs over her rejection since she knows they had families
they support waiting at them at their own homes  " Thank you i will call you if i needed 
Any help "  She smiled at the maid relieving her  " Understood young lady if you need 
Anything please holler my name, ill be at kitchen if you may excuse me "  The maid 
Bowed and excused herself politely then Lydie heads towards the living room and seated
herself in a couch swinging her legs while thinking of what kind of books to read aside 
From something that is related to the law and order. " Maybe i should read some 
fictional or slice of life genre books "  she says her eyes wonder across the living room 
Until an old newspaper hiding underneath the glass table covered by other stuffs 
Caught her attention she leaned down and moves the stuffs away and pulls out the 
very old news paper its about the 2 years ago incident the murder of the Gray family 
and the youngest daughter was marked missing by the Foundation and Authorities 
" This newspaper... its about the murder in the northern michigan its one of the households
that fell victim to a genocide but i do not think that was just an genocide  they do exist
out there after all "  it seems like even the Young Lydie are well aware of the Anomalies 

she corrects her sitting posture and starts reading the newspaper again " The Murder 
Case of the Gray Family,  the father is law school graduate and had a political background
of being the northern michigan's mayor for 4 years and the mother was a one of the 
Board of directors of the Parent Teacher Association and the oldest daughter was a 
Grade School Badminton Star with a promising future in the field of the badminton 
And the youngest daughter a gifted prodigy  "  She paused after reading " so 
This family are not just no names but had a quite background despite living a 
humble life " she nod her head as she continues reading again " But one night
at 9th of october midnight they were viciously attacked and murdered all three 
of them were declared dead except for the youngest daughter that was marked 
Missing by the authorities, there was a search party for the little girl across the world
but they had to give up the search as even with the power of the foundation 
they cannot find her it is as if she just disappeared from the existence " she stopped 
Reading puts down the newspaper and sighs as she crosses her arms " Authorities 
and foundation just gave up finding her like that.  even the law agreed to just 
close the case without even hoping for a miracle  "  she shakes her head in disbelief 

she then tapped her fingers at her biceps  " i think lawyers should atleast add some 
of superstition belief a little bit especially at desperate times "  she added as she 
uncrossed her arms " in a world full of those so called anomalies people shouldn't 
Cast aside their faith, especially believing in miracles to happen, even such a thing 
happens when mankind needed them and that miracle is about to grace them soon " 
She then clenches her fist getting pumped up " What happened to the youngest 
child of the grays should not happen again i will become the best lawyer there is.  
Thank you little girl of grays i will now work hard into becoming a great lawyer one 
That believes in miracles "  Lydie seems to have found a new fire in her passion and 
Ambition the maids who are secretly watching her speaking to herself giggled silently 
They find it cute on how she talks in such determination and is gushing at her with 
hopes that the young Lydie will succeed in her dreams. meanwhile back at the ice flame 
ivy realm Hilde was watching Frida training hard on the fiery part of the realm while 
Smoking her cigarette content by just watching Frida training intensely with a 
hardened determination Hilde sometimes wondered if by doing this she might be just 
Hindering Frida's supposed path but holds on that thought as one day she'll ask Frida 
About this as it kinda gave her sense of guilt by making Frida her bloodline's heir 
But at the cost or in exchanged  of Frida's supposed Future and path in life 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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