Chapter 12: Essentia Friedlich

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in a wide yet serene private room of hospital that is located within phoenix a city in 
Arizona, the walls are pristine white, and so is the ceiling and the windows had white
Frame but they are sliding windows with black tinted glass. outside of it is a small balcony
there was a 8 year old girl with a very long hair the hair length is about past of her hip she has a 
Pristine gold hair color, her skin tone is pale, her lips are faded pink indicating her young age
Her eyes are also ruby red in color. she's laying down on a hospital bed both of her left arm
and right arm were plugged with IV Drips and Blood Transfusion she also had a oxygen 
mask on she isn't unconscious but fully conscious the reason for this is because of difficulty 
of breathing her room is also air conditioned and the room reeks the smell of medicine 
" Why..." she says within her inner as warm tears curls down from her eyes to her cheek 
" why do i have to be born with genetic defect.. a lifelong heart condition " The girl's eyes
sheds more warm tears from the thought of her in born genetic defect which also causes 
her to have a terminal disease " I want to go home... i want to live a happy life... i want to 
fall in love and chase my dreams.. why do it has to be like this..  " The girl curled lips as she 
Tries very hard not to have an outburst as even that could prove physical stress on her heart
This sickly girl who is stricken with sorrow over her in born disease is Essentia Friedlich 

then upon hearing the sound of the door knob opening she quickly wipe her tears off
and then a 10 year old boy with chestnut brown hair and light red eye color entered 
the room this boy is her older brother. Earl Friedlich " Brother.... " she called out to her
Brother underneath her oxygen mask then her brother takes the chair nearby and sat
beside her he. then holds her right hand " Yes brother is here... "  Her older brother had a 
Sad tone. he too was sad to see her sister ended up like this and to suffer like this  
" Would it be make it easier for you, mom and dad that i was never born at all...?" 
Essentia says with a cracked tone then earl softly grasp her right hand " Please don't say
That sister... you were born to this world for a purpose i am sure of it.. please don't give up 
Like that... as long as you are alive there is always hope.. please keep on living and hoping... " 
Earl expresses his sorrow as he tries to  remind his little sister to just keep on hoping 
" Mom... dad and me... we're all here for you sis.. atleast please live on for awhile.. 
You have us you might don't know this but there might be someone and somebody who 
Has probably lost their at your age and have to face even more harsher and crueler world " 
Her brother's words has made Essentia smiled mildly indicating a slight alleviated sadness 

" You're right ehehe... " Essentia tried to act cheerful this time " say brother... " she added  
" Hmm..? "  Her brother looked at her in the eyes " when i get slightly better.. will you  
bring me a drawing pad and drawing tools? "  she asked " Why is it?"  Earl asked in turn 
" I always wanted to draw.. no... its my dream to become a world renown artist "  Essentia
Smiled as she responded to him about her dream and in turn also made earl smiled then 
he grasps her hand softly again looking at her and nod " of course anything i could do to 
Help you "  He assures her that he's going to fulfill her request and Essentia hugged her 
Brother but her brother breaks their hug to put her back to bed in concern for her health
Which made Essentia chuckled a little bit. months passed by Essentia has gotten better 
A little bit enough for her not to use oxygen not so often and her breathing problems 
became less occurring so her older brother started bring to her drawing materials and 
Essentia would start drawing everyday and her older brother would visit her every afternoon
after dismissal of classes to bring her references in order for her to improve her drawing skills
it was these days that made Essentia slight feeling of happiness and hope at the same time 
She too could feel it the ever slowing desire to keep on living for hope that modern medicine 
Will finally find a way to deal with the heart conditions and any heart related health issues 
So that one day she too will finally have a shot to live a happy life with her dear someone 

" Dear My Destined one " Essentia says as she starts drawing on a blank page " i know 
both of us will going to undergo tribulations in our way.  we may not even have a 
possibility to randomly cross each other paths. '  she says inside her mind while she 
Continues to draw " and we may not be each other's first love, but i certainly wanted
To be your last and true love. however i wanted to meet and be with you before 
my short life ends.. i want to spend my remaining days with you it may be happy
Sad and negative days but even so i want it. i want it all to be engraved into my 
memory before my last day "  Essentia smiled sorrowfully and turns her gaze at the 
Skies through her room's windows " i am sure you are a wonderful person even 
though you may not know or notice it then i shall be the one who will make you 
See those good deeds. so... until then i dearly pray and hope we will meet "
Essentia then let off a genuine smile this time and then she continues her drawing 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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