Chapter 1: Fated Meeting

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Hours after the carnage happened in the neighborhood what seems to be 
the customized special armored vehicles surrounds the areas with a 
Vinyl in written " ACFRS " which stands for Anomaly Containment Foundation
Research Society " Then multiple of heavily armed men and women comes
out of those vehicles they're wearing a modified and customized tactical
Gears and equipments they're wearing a distinctive gas mask that resembles
A Skeletal grin in design their outfit theme consists of black and navy blue 
color palettes they all wear black protective eye shield with glowing lenses 
Within it then the scientist that is with them studies the area and find out 
The the whole neighborhood has been annihilated by a possibly anomaly 
That they been chasing down for months " Doctor we found a lycan here 
lying down on the road at direction of the sea "  One of the soldiers reported 
his findings.  the male scientist heads towards the said location upon arriving there
the scientist immediately checked the lycan he was baffled at his findings the 
Lycan while dead its last actions that it left. which are the traces of claws on the
pavement, dried bloodstains  that are from the lycan and a human's hinting
That the lycan may had attacked a someone and ended up wanted to escape
fearing  for its dear life. however what baffles the scientist is that the lycan 
Was attacked exactly at the areas that could impair and impede its chance 
of success at such precision,  a stab in the eye which impairs its  peripheral vision
and a stabbed right into the right ear which is responsible for discerning sounds
through a medium also a stabbed in the knee right in the joints. it is as if its 
Attacker instinctively knew where to attack him in order for it unable to stand up
again and a stab right in the forehead where the central part of the brain is located
The scientist could only imagine that the attacker attacked the lycan with so much fury 

Meanwhile at saint Ignace peninsula a in a small remote island nearby the fishing
Boat that the little girl took aboard for a stow away reached. in there the a 
beautiful pale skinned woman with ashen white hair saw it from her home 
While sharpening a broadsword she stood up from her rocking chair and 
dons her long black jacket with alot of pockets while wearing a light dress inside it
she has a amber colored eyes with iris resemble that of a dragon pale lips
and bust size just about d cup.   the woman decides to check the boat that 
has drifted ashore near her home she walks towards it and pull it to the dry land
Then she saw the girl seemingly soaked in her blood and her skin looking more 
paler than before hinted she may have a serious blood loss  " She's gonna die
soon if she doesn't get a blood infusion " the woman says as she looks at her 
Wrist then nods  then she gently opens the mouth of the little girl " What 
i am about to do is going to change your life forever.  doing this would also 
mean declaring you as my only heir but this is necessary to save your life " 
She slashed her wrist with her broad sword and lets her blood dripped
into the girl's mouth giving as much blood as needed to.  while simultaneously
healing the little girl with her blood's healing factor upon administering it 
once the girl is healed she carries the girl in her arms then walk back to her small 
Home in there she placed the girl in the soft sofa and provide a pillow to her head
curious to why the girl was such in very wounded state and the stow away  
immediately made the woman knew that she's a not a run away but a survivor 

then the woman placed her palm on the little girl's forehead and her eyes 
Glows in pristine gold memories of the girl fleeing and fighting the lycan 
And actually defeated it in such a very young age.  made the woman smile 
" looks giving my valkyrie blood to you was not a mistake. you're one a hell 
of brave and courageous girl.  that's it I've decided that I will going to raise 
you  like my own " The woman says this with a gentle tone with a hint of joy 
The woman then carries on her daily life as she knows that it will take 24 hours 
For the valkyrie genetics from her blood  to settle in within the little girl's body
Then later at the dawn next day the little girl slowly opens her eyes. blinking 
many times to clear her vision and to make out of the unfamiliar place she was in
" Looks like you're finally awake. you had slept atleast 24 hours now " the 
Woman commented as she turn around and carries a potful of meat and 
Vegetables she then puts down the pot on the table and grabs a bowl
and scoops a soup for the little girl and hands it to her the little girl takes 
it and nods  " thank you stranger " the little girl thanked her.   " but 
Where am i..?  and who are you lady..?"  the little girl asked her and the 
Woman stat beside her  "  We're at my house in a remote island in the Saint 
Ignace Peninsula and My name is Brunhilde but you can call me hilde " 
She answered the girl's question as well gave her name  " so what is your 
name little girl " she asked only the name of the little girl already knowing
Where she came from due to the memory readings she performed recently 

" My Name is Frida Gray.. " the little girl answered while still holding the 
Soup bowl with her little hands " Saint Ignace peninsula.. that's the other side 
of the island  i came from.. " upon mentioning her island she recalled what  
happened to her night ago her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes squints 
With her teeth gritting in anger,  she could feel her hatred simmering inside her 
" Those anomalies... i will... kill them i will destroy them .. "  hearing this from 
Frida made Hilde widened her eyes then she suddenly grinned " this girl she's a 
Rare Gem. i am certain of it. she's someone worthy inheriting my valkyrie blood" 
She thought internally " so you want to kill and destroy the anomalies"  Hilde 
Comments which made Frida turned her gaze at her and nods " will you help me 
Lady?"  Frida asked with a tone of a solid resolve and Hilde could feel that 
Resolve too " Yeah, I've battled and defeated these anomalies before i can 
Raise you as my own and train you in order to fulfill your goals when you 
Grow up  "  Frida then puts down the soup bowl on the table and bows at 
Hilde " By any means.. I'll be in your care.. please teach me and train me 
With everything that you all know "  Frida added while still bowing then 
Hilde reaches her arms to her small frame and hugged frida  " of course 
i will make sure that you will reach you girl. i swear it in my name "  Hilde 
promised as she gently give frida a sense of  comfort and assurance  

[ To Be Continued ] 

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