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SEMAJI WAS WAITING on Jada to appear in the lobby of Atlantic Records. She told him 10:30 and he got here about 10 just in case the meeting started earlier. But she showed up right at 10:30.

'She got the nerve yellin' at me, knowing she more late than me' He thought.

Coming off the elevator, her heels clicked against the floor, the skirt she wore, rising a couple of inches right above her kneecaps, just the right amount of space that you didn't see up her skirt.

"You ready?" She asked as she approached the bench where he was sitting.

He nodded. "I've been ready. Just waitin' on your fashionable late ass." She rolled her eyes. Before Jada was a manager for artist, she was a model and a fashion designer. It was her passion since her mother was apart of the industry too. Her father was a music producer and introduced her to the hottest hits back in the day, leaving her more hooked into the music industry.

She wasn't honestly a manager when her and Semaji met. They were actually messing with eachother on the low in their senior year of college. They both couldn't see actually being together as a couple so they decided to be friends and it went pretty well. Semaji wouldn't willingly say that Jada was his first best friend besides Steven, but they work together and Steven is always with Miara.

He feels left out since he left his friend group in high school. They stuck their neck out for him and he ditched them like trash because the fame supposedly got to his head. He knew he hit Dovani hard in her chest when they departed.

He's liked that girl since sophomore year when he changed schools. He never admitted it to her because he was someone who liked to party and she preferred to stay home. Two opposites were bound to repel. Them becoming friends on his birthday was pure coincidence but he treasured every second. He never wanted to let her go but she grew and soon stood on her word of how she didn't want to hear from him again, leaving him hurt but he knew it was his fault and just chose to move on.

They made it down the double doors of the office room. Jada pushing it open, they were met with the CEO, his assistant and what they guessed to be the females manager. Jada's face frowned up but Semaji didn't really care that she wasn't here. He could just go home and just plan this whole thing after her show.

"Where is she?" She asked.

"She's close. She had to do an emergency drop off for her younger sister." Her manager spoke, tapping away on her phone, popping her gum that was in her mouth.

Semaji sat down in one of the available chairs and leaned back, putting his arms over his eyes. It wasn't a waste of time in his eyes because it was another way to make money, adding to the single that he was in process of recording. On the other hand, Jada. The artist was given a time and she disobeyed orders, having everyone wait on her. Just because she was one of the top artists now didn't mean she needed to act like everyone around her had to bow when she was inconveniencing them.

"She was given a time, Toney. Why isn't she here?" She looked over at the CEO of the company. He was an active participant in his artists career. He set meetings, features, signings, everything.

"Jada, lower yo' tone wimme. She will be here, she is on a time crunch not to mention. She knows how to manage her time, unlike yourself." He scrunched up his face, making it acknowledged that she wasn't here on time herself. She just rolled her eyes, sitting beside Semaji with an attitude all over her face.

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