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3:56 PM.


"THAT SHIT WAS HOT!" The studio engineer hyped the couple as they finished recording their featured single, 'Paradise'. The two thought what wasn't better than stepping back into their music careers than together.

Stepping away from the microphone, Dovani smiled up at the hype man behind the glass. They both saw it more than just a song— it was a commitment. To their passions. To eachother.

The engineer, RK, still buzzing with energy, quickly saved the final take and started mixing the initial tracks. "You two have some serious chemistry in that booth. It's like you're not just singing to the audience; you're singing to each other. It's powerful as shit," He fake cries. "Shit making me emotional."

The couple laughs as they exit the booth, with the thrill of finally having a song together like they were supposed to all those months ago.

As the door to the recording booth swung closed behind them, Dovani and Semaji couldn't help but let their laughter and excitement bubble over. The energy from recording their duet, 'Paradise,' charged the air around them with an electric sense of achievement. It had been a long journey to this point—a road fraught with personal and professional challenges—but now, sharing this success felt doubly sweet.

"Play it back," Semaji suggested to RK, as he played the song, the soft play of the guitar flowed through the loud speakers.

"It's a lot of things I did wrong," Dovani's soft voice came through the speakers which instantly put a smile on her face. "But, I'm movin all alone, and I need you right now."

RK watched the couple from his spot behind the soundboard, observing the way Semaji's expression changed with the lyrics, a testament to the power of their personal and creative connection.

As the track continued to play, RK noticed the subtle shifts in Semaji's demeanor. Each lyric seemed to draw him deeper into the memories and emotions that inspired their music. It was evident that every line hit close to home, resonating through their shared experiences and the challenges they had overcome together.

Semaji's eyes remained closed as he listened, a gentle nod accompanying particular lines, signaling moments that perhaps held more weight in their story. Dovani watched him, her face alight with a mixture of joy and anticipation, eager to see his reaction to their creation.

When the song ended, the room was filled with a poignant silence, the kind that speaks volumes. Semaji finally opened his eyes, turning to Dovani with a look of deep appreciation. "Every time I hear your voice in this song, it hits different, you know? It's like reliving our whole vibe, the grind and everything we've built," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

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