chapter two || the train

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The early morning sun had just started to rise as Michaela and Facet eagerly waited for the train to arrive. They were both standing at the platform, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the District. The train was supposed to pick up tributes by District and drop them off at the Capitol.

Michaela had auburn hair that cascaded down her chest in beautiful curls. She wore a short white skirt that was slightly discoloured and paired it with a light gold corset. The corset was absolutely stunning with two bows on each side, but it, too, had been ripped at one side. On her hair sat a white flower crown, slightly tilted. Despite living in the districts, she looked well-kept and beautiful.

Facet had noticed Michaela's stunning appearance and couldn't help but move closer to her. He extended his hand and introduced himself as Facet Farbrook, although he felt she probably already knew his name.

Michaela gave him a small smile, and Facet couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. He had admired her for standing up to the Capitol and telling them to "fuck off," which was a rare trait to find in a tribute. But he quickly realized that it might not have been the best thing to say out loud.

Michaela played with the hem of her skirt as she considered what he had said. She hoped that they could help each other in the arena and make it out alive. She then looked at Facet and confessed that she knew what she did was wrong and might get her killed. But she also knew that the Capitol wouldn't kill her because it would be unfair to the mentor.

After a few minutes of silence, Michaela decided to rest and wait for the train to arrive. She laid against him, awkwardly. She was unsure of whether he was alright with her laying on him. Instead, Facet spoke.

"When the train's here, I'll wake you up."

She gave him a small smile and closed her eyes, she slowly drifted off to sleep.

About an hour later she was shaken awake by Facet who gave her an apologetic smile.

"What time is it?" She looked at him, asking him the question.

"Around 7:10. They said that the train would be here at 7:15." She nodded and watched him as he stood up.

He reached out his hand to her to which she accepted and pulled herself up.

They stood there, stiffly.

"So, do you have any family back home?" She asks him, trying to get rid of the awkward tension.

"Yeah, my sister. She's twenty now, she was lucky enough to not get reaped. She's probably heartbroken, I was all she had." He mumbled to her.

She frowned, looking at him.

"I have a brother, he's younger than me. He could still get reaped. What if he does? I'm not going to be there to help him. He's going to be alone." She stopped, and her face began to feel hot.

They heard a loud noise in the distance and they looked up to see the large train. She froze.

The train came to a stop and the guards began to walk towards them, they were going to force them into the old wagons.

A guard opened the door to reveal the dark, dirty wagon and pushed them forward. Facet climbed in first and turned around to help Michaela in. She grabbed his hand and pulled herself in. With the small bit of light they still had, she looked around and saw another pair sitting down. The door slammed shut and was locked.

Facet sat down in the middle of the wagon, or at least that's where she thought he was. It was pitch black in there, she couldn't see anything.

She stumbled through the small wagon and felt the wall, trying to find any type of seat. She felt a wooden, long block. Michaela sat down on it, she heard a small cough.

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now