chapter nine || still fighting

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The pair remained on top of the structure for the rest of the day, a few other tributes planned on attacking them but realised that Michaela and Lamina could easily kill them.

So they backed off and left the two girls, peacefully.

Lamina and Michaela sat there chatting about what they would have liked to have done outside of the arena if they hadn't been reaped.

Michaela wanted to have a family of her own and become a teacher, she wouldn't been the best little teacher.

Lamina wanted to become a nurse, she hated having to deal with wood every day of her life. She wanted to help others because she knew what it was like to not get helped. She wanted to do good.

It was dark in the arena by now, the pair argued about who would sleep first and who would watch guard.

"Lamima, I swear I'll literally close your eyes for you." Michaela threatened her, playfully.

"No," Lamina replied, stubbornly.

"Please." Michaela looked at her with a certain look in her eyes.

"Fine, but stop looking at me like that." Lamina pushed her away and laid her head down. Michaela smiled at the sight, she took off her cardigan and put it over the girl.

"Michaela put it back on, you're going-" Lamina was hushed by Michaela telling her to 'shut up' and 'go to sleep'.

Michaela sat about a meter away from Lamina's sleeping body, she shivered slightly from the cold breeze coming from the entrance.

All of a sudden a boy dressed in red uniform ran through the barriers, he ran towards the structure that Michaela was on and she stood up, defensively. She grabbed her sword.

He ran to Marcus' lifeless body and sat in front of it, crying. Shit. He picked his body up and hugged it, it made Michaela frown in disgust but also in sadness.

Not long after, the barriers made another announcement, "Enjoy the show". The stupid announcement had awoken Lamina who groaned grumpily.

Another boy entered the arena and this time she knew who it was. That same blonde boy, Lucy-Gray's mentor. Coriolanus Snow. He made his way towards his friend, trying to drag him away from Marcus' body.

By now Lamina has gotten up and sat next to Michaela, the both of them looking down at the capitol pair. Lamina raised her axe and Michaela raised her sword, both ready to attack.

The blonde boy was urgently trying to get the other to leave the arena before they were attacked but it was too late for that.

A yell could be heard and there was a small, blonde tribute running towards the two boys. It was the boy from District Eight, Bobbin.

He ran at them, trying to kill them. They reached the exit but so had Bobbin. Coral, Mizzen, Treech and Tanner followed Bobbin, trying to kill the pair as well. Bobbin had been able to attack them but due to his young age, Coriolanus had an advantage and grabbed him.

He beat him to death, he beat the poor boy to death. Was that even allowed?

Michaela gasped and looked at Lamina who looked just as shocked. Did that mean the mentors could just come in here and kill the tributes? That's not very fair.

"Go back to sleep," Michaela whispered to Lamina, groggily. Who wanted to argue back but was too tired and instead fell back and closed her eyes.

Michaela sat there, watching as Coral and her pact ran back into the arena, going back to where they were hiding before. But Michaela didn't miss the look that Treech gave her. What was his problem?

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now