chapter eleven || under the arena

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This one is a shorter chapter, just wanted to fill it in.


Michaela looked down at Reaper who gave her and Lamina a nod. He dropped Lucy-Gray's limp, pale body on the floor.

He walked off to the walls of the arena and pulled down one of their flags, the girls watched him. He began to pick up the bodies of the dead tributes and place them next to one another. He then placed the flag over them, as a shield for any more harm.

He walked to the opposite side of the arena and ripped down another flag, he walked towards the rock structure that they were on. He threw it up and they caught it, on the first try.

"Thanks." He nodded at them before he turned to look at the bodies.

"Thank you!" Michaela shouted at Reaper who didn't reply. At least they had some sort of a blanket now.

"Come here," Lamina demanded, she patted the empty spot next to her and Michaela listened. She shuffled over to her.

"Tomorrow could be our last day together, let's make the most of it," Lamina mumbled, trying to make the most out of the situation.

"Promise me that we'll get through this." Michaela ignored her upsetting words and held out her pinky.

Lamina shook her head, "No, Michaela-"

"Promise me, Lamina." She shoved her pinky into her face and Lamina laughed and interwined their pinkies.

Both of them knew, deep down, that the promise was never going to be kept. It couldn't.

It was late and dark, everyone else in the arena either was asleep or protecting their partners whilst they slept. Michaela was sitting beside Lamina, who was fast asleep.

She looked down at the sleeping girl, God, she was beautiful. Wait, what did she just say? Who's fucking with her mind? Lamina's just a friend. A very beautiful friend who makes her feel things that she shouldn't feel.

She reached her hand out to stroke the redhead's hair, she watched as her chest rose softly. She whispered, "God, Lamina, what are you doing to me? You're making me feel all fuzzy on the inside and I don't hate it."

She turned her whole body away, looking across at the arena. She felt a gush of wind hit her back, "Michaela." Michaela's head snapped around.

"Lamina! You scared the shit out of me, did you just wake up?" She whisper-yelled, looking worried. Lamina nodded, "Yeah, I just woke up. I'm still tired though, lay down with me." Michaela gulped and slowly fell back, she covered her body with the large flag.

They lay there in silence, Michaela looking to her right, watching the arena. Lamina kept her eyes fixated on the roof of the arena, apparently, it was interesting. It must've been very interesting this time.

Lamina coughed, catching the attention of Michaela. Michaela opened her mouth, "Lamina, about what you heard-" She was cut off. "I didn't hear anything," Lamina snapped, whispering.

Michaela's eyebrows furrowed, "Oh." She rolled onto her side and faced Lamina, Lamina was already looking at her. "I..." Michaela started. "Yes?" Lamina waited but there was no response. They both leaned forward until their breath was hot on one another. Michaela's chest moved up and down, rapidly.

Lamina stared into her eyes and Michaela stared back into hers but she quickly switched her eyes focus to Lamina's lips. "Kiss me," Michaela mumbled. Lamina pushed her head forward, hesitantly, and it happened. One of Lamina's hands was on the back of Michaela's head and Michaela's arms were around Lamina's neck. They kissed, it was a long-awaited and needed kiss.

They broke apart, they were both panting messes. "We should stop," Michaela whispered.

"We have stopped," Lamina replied and Michaela gasped. It was silent for a few seconds.

"Shit, I thought you said that you didn't like me," Lamina stated, panting. Michaela shook her head, "Yeah, I know I said I didn't but I did. I really did. Hell, Treech knew before I did."

Lamina stared at her and pulled her in closer, she pushed herself up and lingered over Michaela, who stared back up at her with tired eyes. They knew it was going to be ten times harder to win, now but it was so worth it.

Michaela lifted her head up and pecked her lips, Lamina sat down and rolled next to her. They were facing each other, and Michaela wrapped her arms around Lamina. Michaela's eyes slowly shut themselves and she slept.


Michaela yawned and stretched her arms, having some sort of blanket was so much better than having to share a small cardigan between two people. She looked down at the ground to see if anything was new, and she saw Mizzen by the tunnel. He looked at her and tried to mouth something, she squinted her eyes. What was he trying to say?

It wasn't long before he ran back down into the tunnel, he was replaced with Coral who just spun her trident in circles, showing off. She turned away and looked at Lamina, who was still sleeping. She looked so peaceful. This is what she could've woken up to every morning if it weren't for the capitol.

She sat there trying to find out what Mizzen was trying to say. Was he saying sorry? Was he warning her? Was Coral planning to kill her or Lamina? She could try, anyway. Michaela looked down at Lamina, again, this time looking at her red lips. She smiled, remembering the previous night's memory. Oh, how she would love to recreate that scene every day for the rest of the time she had left.

She heard a buzzing noise and looked up, it was a drone. She stood up quickly and caught it before it crashed. Inside was a piece of bread, she took it out and put it down. A few seconds later, another drone could be heard. She saw it coming and reached her hand out, she caught it, She took the glass of water and placed it beside the bread.

She shook the sleeping girl beside her, "Hey, Lamina. Wake up." The other girl groaned and shifted in her position, "What?" Michaela shook her head, smiling.

"I have food and fresh water." Lamina jumped up at the sound of the word 'food'. Michaela broke the bread up into two halves and before Lamina could even argue, Michaela shoved it into her hands. "Eat up."

The pair sat there, eating the bread, it was only bread but it felt like a grand meal. They ate and chatted with one another like it was a normal day of their lives.


sorry it was so short, ive got school in the morning
im not feeling like a very creative person tonight

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now