chapter five || chained up

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9:30 AM

They were, rudely, awoken by the peacekeepers outside of the zoo.

"Wake up!" They screamed at the remaining tributes who were still sleeping.

Michaela was already awake, she was talking with Facet whilst Mizzen was asleep, in her arms.

Mizzen groaned and squirmed in her arms before getting up. He yawned and looked at the older pair, who both gave him a smile.

"Mornin'." He greeted them, now standing up.

"Morning, Mizzen." Michaela looked up at him.

"Morning," Facet replied.

"I'm going to go see Coral. Bye, guys." The younger boy walked off, acting as if nothing had happened.

Michaela looked at Facet, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Come on." Facet spoke. He stood up, grabbing her hand and pulling her up.

She followed him, he was bringing her to Treech and Lamina. The pair looked down at the other two.

Lamina looked up at Michaela and gave her a small smile. She smiles back at her before Treech interrupts.

"Hey, Michaela. Sit here." He greets the shorter girl, in a friendly manner. He pats the other side of the rock.

She sits down beside him and Facet sits beside Lamina.

"My mentor told me that we'd all meet our mentors today and then afterwards we were going to go to the arena." She pauses, looking at the other three.

"Just to observe it, y'know, and hopefully make a plan to survive." She continues, slowly. The others nodded at the information.

"Do you think you're going to make any alliances?" A voice asked. Treech and Michaela looked behind them to see the District 10 boy.

"Apart from your own District partner." He continued

Treech looked at Lamina, "No."
Michaela looked at Facet, before shaking her head. "No."

"Oh, right."

"Sorry about your partner, by the way," Facet mumbled, recalling the incident that happened the day before.

"Brandy? It doesn't matter. She was too aggressive. How would I ever trust her to not kill me?" He asked, rhetorically. The others just nodded, not knowing if they should respond.

The five of them sat there, chatting for about two hours until the peacekeepers began to shout again, through the bars.

"Get ready. We're taking you in."

Treech looked at Lamina, who looked at Michaela. Michaela was already looking at Lamina, though. Facet was looking down at the ground.

After a few minutes, they were pushed out of the enclosure and into a small van.

Michaela sat down on one of the right side chairs, Facet next to her. Others piled in, slowly.

Facet watched as Treech and Lamina were pushed in. By now, all the seats were taken up and a few tributes were standing.

"Hey, Lamina. Sit there." Facet stood up, offering his seat to her.

"No, no. You take it." She shook her head no, whispering.

"No. It's fine, Lamina. Just take it." He lightly pushed up closer to the seat. She sat down and smiled at him. Her head turned to Michaela, whose face was in her hands.

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now