chapter fourteen || love and danger in the arena

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Michaela sat precariously on the edge of the tall beam, her skirt swaying gently in the cool breeze that brushed past her.

The weight of the situation was heavy in the air. Two of them had to die, and the thought made her stomach churn in agony. The snakes slithered around them, their beady eyes fixated up at the group, waiting for a moment to strike.

Lamina sat beside Treech, their voices carrying over to Michaela. They were arguing one minute and laughing the next as if the world wasn't about to end for all three of them.

Michaela couldn't help but think about her brother. She didn't want to leave him alone, but she also didn't want to leave Lamina. What would happen to her dear friend if she died? And what if Treech didn't make it either? The thought of leaving them both alone filled her with guilt and sadness.

Lamina called out to her, breaking her train of thought. "Hey, Michaela. Come over here." Michaela got up slowly, wondering what Lamina wanted from her.

As she approached, Lamina's grin widened. "I just wanted you to sit with us, didn't want you to feel left out."

Michaela appreciated the gesture, but her mind was still consumed with the recent losses. "I'm really sorry about Mizzen. And Facet," Treech mumbled, fidgeting with his hat nervously. Lamina knew Treech did this when he was nervous.

Michaela took a deep breath, trying to push down the pain. "They're in better places now. At least I don't have to fight Facet to death. Plus, Mizzen was never going to make it here. Like Coral said, he was a 'burden'. Coral would've killed him ages ago." She held her fingers up in air quotations.

The memories of her friends flooded back to her, and she couldn't help but feel the weight of their absence. "I just miss them. Facet was like another brother to me, one that would protect me. And Mizzen, was just like my younger brother. He was so innocent and obedient, he didn't deserve what happened to him. Nobody deserved anything that happened to them."

Treech looked down, not knowing what to say. Lamina rubbed Michaela's back, soothingly.

"Can I sing one last song?" Michaela asked.

"What do you mean one last song? If none of us kill one another, they won't have a winner." Lamina replied, confused.

"Lamina if there's no winner, they'll get our mentors to stop sending water and food. We'll die either way." She paused.

"I don't know when I'm going to die but I want to sing one last song in case it's soon." She mumbled, Lamina nodded and so did Treech.

Michaela began humming, "I am not the only traveller who has not repaid his depth. I've been searching for a trail to follow again." She stopped.

"Take me back to the night we met." She stood up, looking down at the pair.

"And then I can tell myself... what the hell I'm supposed to do. And then I can tell myself, not to ride along with you."

"I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you." She looked at Lamina, whose eyes watered.

"Take me back to the night we met. I don't know what I'm supposed to do." She turned away from them.

"Haunted by the ghost of you. Oh, take me back to the night we met." She looked back at Lamina, making eye contact.

"When the night was full of terrors and your eyes were filled with tears." She let out a small laugh at seeing Lamina crying. She continued singing.

"When you had not touched me yet. Oh, take me back to the night we met."

"I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you. Take me back to the night we met."

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now