chapter ten || death in the arena

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Song isn't mine, all rights to the owner - it's lowkey such a good song, stream it!!


The two girls were sat on the structure, waiting for time to pass by.

Michaela noticed that Lamina was sitting further away from her, recalling that Michaela had murdered the other tribute with ease, she seemed to be lost in her own world.

Michaela was worried and tried to talk to her, "Lamina, I-" but before she could say anything, they heard footsteps approaching. It was Lucy-Gray and Jessup, running across the arena. However, Michaela noticed that Lucy-Gray wasn't running with Jessup, rath she was running from Jessup, which made her wonder what had happened between them.

Lamina was equally surprised at the sight of Lucy-Gray and Jessup, who had been inseparable until now. The two girls watched as Jessup climbed up on a rock and pushed Lucy-Gray, who was in front of him, to fall to the ground and he hovered over her.

Michaela closed her eyes, thinking that this was the end for Lucy-Gray. Lamina had also turned away, not wanting to watch the gruesome scene.

Suddenly, they heard a noise, and Michaela looked up to see a drone carrying a glass bottle of water. The drone aimed for both of them, but the bottle smashed on top of Jessup, drenching him in water.

To their surprise, Jessup screamed in fear and dropped back. Michaela and Lamina were both confused - why was he scared of water?

Lucy-Gray screamed in horror as she realized that Jessup was dead. She looked up at Michaela and Lamina staring at her, her lip trembled with fear and sadness.

Michaela gave her a frown, wondering what had happened between her and Jessup that had led to this tragic end.

Lamina turned away, unable to bear the sight of Lucy-Gray's pain. Lucy-Gray gave Michaela one last look before running away, searching for a spot to hide.

Michaela turned to Lamina who was turned around, she shuffled towards her and tapped her shoulder. To her surprise, Lamina screamed and pushed Michaela's hand away.

Michaela stared at her, her mouth agape. Did she actually think that Michaela would kill her?

"Lamina, I'm not going to hurt you. I know you think I'm going to but I'm not. I swear." She whispered behind her, her legs dangling over the structure.

"If you don't trust me, I can leave," Michaela mumbled, knowing that she didn't want to leave.

She got no response and stood up, she walked to the end of the structure and turned around, getting ready to climb down.

"Wait!" Lamina shouted, spinning around. Michaela stopped what she was doing and looked up.


"Stay. I trust you." She mumbled, quietly. Michaela smiled and pulled herself back up, walking over to Lamina.

"Ah, you love me too much that you can't let me go." Michaela laughed, ruffling Lamina's short hair.

Lamina's face flushed and she froze for a second. She shook her head and pushed Michaela, "Shut up." Michaela smiled in return.

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now