chapter twelve || the fallen angel

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Michaela looked ahead at the arena, her mouth full with bread, "I saw Mizzen, earlier." Lamina swallowed the food in her mouth and mumbled, "So?"

She swallowed the bread and replied, "I think he was trying to tell me something, I couldn't understand him, though." She looked down, her hands in her lap. Lamina made a confused face, "Do you think it was good or bad?"

Michaela shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know but to be honest, it's probably bad." She frowned at her own words. Lamina slowly nodded and took another bite of her bread.

"Shit, what if it's really bad?" Michaela hesitantly asked, it was more like she was asking herself rather than Lamina. Lamina thought about it in her head but made a face instead of talking. Michaela frowned, thinking of the worst thing that could possibly happen.


Michaela laid her back down on the rock and looked up at the roof of the arena, she began to hum the song that she had sung at her interview. Lamina watched her, discreetly, as she hummed the song.

Lamina's mind pondered, she began to think about what she would do if she won.  But she knew what the consequences would be if she won, Michaela would die and so would Treech. Treech. God, she was so angry with him but she didn't hate him.

She could never hate Treech, he just wanted a better chance at winning the games. Plus, if he hadn't joined Coral, the both of them would've just been on her 'first to kill' list. Did she miss him? Of course she did, he promised that they would stick together but he left her all alone.

He left her like she was good for nothing and it angered her but she couldn't say anything about it to him, she'd just get killed by his bitch of a friend. Was Lamina going to hold it against him? Only if she didn't make it out.

Michaela pulled Lamina out of her thoughts by speaking, "What if he was trying to warm us? What if Coral's planning something?" She spoke rapidly, looking at Lamina in worry. Lamina watched as Michaela's face twitched, she grabbed onto her shoulders and shook her, stopping her from panicking.

Michaela stared into her eyes, her face softening. "Right, right, I'll stop." She breathed out. Lamina watched her, thinking about how it's normally her who freaks out. Michaela's head snapped to the side, nearly breaking her neck, she looked on the ground. She was expecting Coral and her pact but she instead was met with Reaper. He was back and he was walking towards the glass bottles.

"Don't drink any of them!" Michaela shouted at him, catching his attention. He looked up at them.

"Why not? So you two can have them? I swear some people can be so greedy." He yelled back, ignoring her warning. Michaela gasped at his words and shut her mouth. Fine, if he wasn't going to listen, it's his problem.

The pair watched as picked up a glass, both secretly hoping that it wasn't the one that Dill had drank prior to the time. He opened the lid and looked at the girls, wondering if he should listen to them or not. He took a sip, he was fine for a few seconds.

Then, he dropped to the floor, landing on his knees. His hat fell off his head, revealing his braids. Lamina's heart broke, he had helped them before and she just witnessed him walk to his death. Michaela frowned at the sight of him suffering, it wasn't long before he fell on his side.

He was dead. Who was going to move his body to where the rest of the bodies were?

"I mean, I did try to warm him..." Michaela mumbled, turning away from his dead body. Lamina's head snapped to the side, looking at Michaela.

"Not the time, Michaela." Michaela lifted her hands in defence, she didn't know what she'd done. Despite his previous interaction with Michaela, she still felt sympathetic towards him. He didn't deserve to die, nobody in the arena did. Not even Coral.

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now