chapter eight || the beginning

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That night ...

Lamina tossed and turned whilst she was asleep. However, Michaela couldn't sleep. She was tired, sure, but her mind was full of everything that was going to happen the next day.

She didn't want to die, not yet. She was too young, she still had her brother. But, if she didn't die then Lamina would. Lamina was very dear to her. Dearer than her life? She wasn't sure.

Michaela sat there sobbing, her head on her knees. She didn't want the night to end, she wanted to stay there forever, even despite the terrible conditions.

She was going to miss it all, she was able to meet such kind-hearted people from it but she knew their fate. As well as hers.

She sniffled and hiccuped, wiping her eyes. She looked up at the dark sky, a small breeze brushing past her hair.

"I miss you, Facet. I'm sorry I didn't stop you, I want you back. I need you here, please." She sobbed even louder, her face turning red.

"Mama, tell Dad I miss him. I miss both of you, I'm happy you're not here, though. You'd have to see me go through this." She whined, tears pouring out of her eyes.

She stopped breathing when she heard movement beside her and she looked over. Lamina was sitting up. Lamina's head turned to Michaela's wet, puffy face.

"Oh, don't cry." She pulled Michaela closer, it was finally time for Michaela to be comforted. She was always used as everyone else's therapist.

"Shhh..." Lamina coaxed her, trying to get her to stop crying. Lamina wanted to ball her out, she didn't want to have to fight. She didn't want to be there but she needed to be tough for Michaela.

"It's okay, we'll stick together, right?" She asked Michaela, soothing her. Michaela nodded, fastly.

"See? We'll be fine," Lamina whispered. It was unusual for Lamina to talk, ever since she got reaped she cried a lot. She cried more than she did talk.

Talking to Lamina was normal for Michaela, though. She was used to it, she wasn't used to Lamina's quiet side.

Lamina laid herself down, pulling Michaela down with her. Michaela lay next to her and stared at her, she was still in Lamina's arms. She quickly took off her cardigan and placed it over the two of them.

"Sleep," Lamina ordered her to sleep, not wanting her to be tired for the terrible day awaiting them. Michaela listened to her, shortly drifting off to her sleep, much to her dislike.


6:30 AM

"Get up, it's your time to go." A peacekeeper shouted in, cackling.

Michaela groaned and sat herself up, shaking Lamina. Lamina startled awake and looked at Michaela. She knew what was happening, so she got up.

Michaela frowned at her, she knew what was yet to come. Lamina gave her a look.

"In the van, now. Make sure you gave everything, you won't be coming back here." A peacekeeper laughed, angering the tributes.

Michaela walked into the van and sat down, saving a spot for Lamina. Lamina walked into the van shortly after and sat beside Michaela. There wasn't a single word spoken in the van between anyone, they knew where they were being brought to; their death.

They were brought to the arena and the doors were opened, widely.

"Out!" A peacekeeper yelled at everyone, and they all got out at once. Michaela grabbed Lamina's hand and walked towards the arena.

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now