chapter four || the mentors

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TW: mentions of blood

A few hours later

Michaela and Lamina sat there for a few hours talking, mostly about their homes. They could both relate to one another.

It was the afternoon now, probably around 3 or 4 PM and everyone felt like they were practically starving. Well, except for that District 12 girl. She got food from her mentor the day before and kept some aside.

There were footsteps and Michaela looked to her right. There were people, specifically more teenagers in those hideous red uniforms.

She turned around to look at Facet and Treech who were just as confused looking at them.

Then it hit her. Mentors. Like that blonde guy said, he said that we'd all have our mentors.

She nudged Lamina, "Our mentors, probably."

Lamina just nodded and looked at them. One of them spoke.

"Brandy! Come here! Come here and I'll give you food." She spoke to Brandy like she were a dog. Brandy looked at the girl, deciding whether she should starve or listen to the demanding girl.

She got up and slowly made her way to the bars. Michaela spotted the blonde boy from the day prior and she looked at him. He had a small paper bag, probably full of food and water.

He called over the District 12 girl, "Lucy-Gray!" She walked over to him.

More mentors came closer to the bars and called over their tributes.

"Michaela. Hi." She looked behind her to see a dark-skinned girl who looked no older than herself.

Michaela looked at Lamina and whispered, "I'll be back in a minute. Keep a lookout for your mentor."

She stood up and gave Lamina a small pat on her back before walking over to her mentor.

The girl looked at the triubute, awkwardly. Michaela's stomach rumbled, she was hungry.

"Oh, right. Here you go.' The mentor passed a paper bag through the bars. Michaela looked inside it and noticed multiple sandwiches and bottles of water.

Michaela looked back at Lamina, who was still sitting on the same rock but this time accompanied by Treech.

She looked around for Facet, he was just next to her but further into the enclosure. She smiled at the sight of him.

Michaela looked down at the paper bag and took out a sandwich before looking back at the girl.

"I'm Palmyra Monty and I guess I'm your mentor. So, uhm, you're from District One?" She asked to which Michaela nodded and bit into the sandwich.

"Do you have any combat skills? Are you good with any weapons?" She asked, eagerly.

Michaela swallowed the bit of sandwich she was eating and stretched her fingers out in front of her, to show the other girl the rings she had. She had at least one gold ring on each finger.


"Yeah. Trust me, they hurt." Michaela looked at her, knowing she was not convinced.

"I got into a fight with a guy back in one, he told my boss that I had stolen jewellery. I hadn't but thankfully my boss didn't believe him."

She stopped and looked at her before smiling.

"I caught him on his way home and knocked him to the floor, I crawled over him and punched and clawed at every bit of skin. He ended up in the hospital, sure but I'm still furious to this day."

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now