chapter three || the capitol zoo

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Moments before Michaela had her little inconvenience.

Lamina was sitting beside Treech, with tears rolling down her cheeks. She felt miserable about the circumstances they were in. Treech tried to console her by reassuring her that he would protect her and even die for her if needed. This did ease Lamina's distress, and she stopped crying. Trying to change the topic, Treech talked about how different their lives would have been if they had been born in different districts.

As Lamina watched Michaela standing up and walking towards Dill, she didn't think much of it and turned to look at Treech. Suddenly, there was a thud, and both Treech and Lamina jumped up to see what was happening. It was Michaela lying on the ground with Reaper standing over her. The situation seemed tense, and Lamina took a step forward, but Treech stopped her by placing his hand in front of her.

By now, everyone in the enclosure had gathered around Michaela and Reaper, trying to figure out what had happened. Lamina noticed a daisy chain in Michaela's hand, which she had made for Dill. While Facet was shouting at Reaper for pushing his partner, Reaper remained quiet and built up his anger. Facet stood his ground, and Reaper started cracking his knuckles.

Michaela used this opportunity to escape and got up. Both Dill and Michaela stood in front of Reaper, warning him not to attack Facet. Reaper eventually calmed down, and Michaela stormed away. Facet tried to stop her by grabbing her arm, but instead of stopping, she shoved him harshly.

Lamina's gaze meets Treech's, and the tension between them is palpable. Without a word, she takes his hand and leads him back to the large rock they were sitting on earlier. Once there, she picks up a sharp stick from the ground and firmly presses it against the surface of the rock. Slowly and deliberately, she begins to carve her name into the hard surface.

Treech watches her every move, his eyes following the sharp tip of the stick as it etches her name into the rock. When she finishes, she looks up at him and offers the stick. Without hesitation, Treech takes it from her and begins to carve his name under hers.

The sound of the stick scratching against the rock echoes through the air. Once he finishes, he hands the stick back to Lamina and they both look down at the names they've carved into the rock.

Lamina grabbed his hand tightly and pulled him along with her, quickening their pace as they walked to the back of the enclosure. Michaela looked up at the sound of footsteps and saw two strangers approaching her - Lamina and Treech. Fear crept up her spine as she looked at them, unsure of their intentions. The arena was a dangerous place and she knew what people were capable of in there.

"Go away," she told them bluntly, hoping they would leave her alone. But Treech crouched down in front of her, refusing to leave. Lamina turned to walk away, but he grabbed her hand and dragged her down to sit next to him.

"I'm Treech. Treech Lowlock. I'm from Seven," he introduced himself with a charming smile. He looked over at Lamina, hoping she would introduce herself as well.

But Lamina remained silent, prompting Treech to cough awkwardly before continuing. "That's Lamina. Lamina Ashcreek. She's also from Seven."

Lamina elbowed Treech causing him to fall backwards onto the ground.

"I can speak, y'know. I choose not to, read the room." She mumbled, quietly.

Michaela studied them both warily, wondering what they wanted from her. She couldn't help but notice the gold jewellery on her fingers and the stark contrast it presented against their ragged clothes.

"I'm Michaela Islette," she said cautiously. "I'm from One, if you couldn't tell from the gold jewellery."

Treech's face fell as he remembered the Reaper interaction. "Sorry about what happened back there," he mumbled. Michaela shook her head in response.

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now