chapter seven || the interviews

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The song that is in this is not mine, all rights to the original singer.

A few hours later ...


Michaela was sitting on a rock, Lamina beside her. She was sulking.

"I miss him, I really fucking do." She sulked into Lamina's shoulders. Lamina was pretty upset too but all her tears were cried out. At least for a while anyway.

Lamina didn't respond but instead hugged her and got her to stop crying.

"C'mon you lot, it's time for your interviews." A peacekeeper shouted at them, alerting them. The remaining tributes waited for the peacekeepers to call out their names.

Michaela had expected them to call Facet first but it hit her.

"District One, female. Michaela, in the van." She got off the rock and walked towards the van, she turned around to look at Lamina.

She walked inside the van and sat down. Others joined her, including Lamina. Lamina stood in front of her the whole way there.

They just chatted amongst themselves, quietly. The van came to a stop and they knew what that meant.

The doors were quickly opened and one by one they were called out, the peacekeepers brought them inside the large building. They could hear chatter inside.

They were brought to a part of the building, the backstage area. There they were met with more peacekeepers and a few workers from the capitol.

"Hello, dears. We're here to help you look a tiny bit better and to help you sort out your performance act." A lady spoke, she wore a long white dress and glasses. She was just a regular capitol worker.

"You may all have a seat and I'll call you out when it's your turn." She spoke, dismissing them.

Michaela and Lamina sat down on a couch together and spoke for a while before Michaela's name was called.

"District One. Michaela." The woman came back out and called her over, Michaela followed her into a small room.

"Hello, Michaela. I'm Angela Sprayer, it's nice to meet you. How are you?" She asked, smiling widely.

"I'm fine," Michaela replied, ignorantly.

"Not much of a talker, huh?" She pestered Michaela. Michaela gave Angela a dead stare.

"I talk to people who I want to talk to. I don't want to talk to you." She glared at her.

"Anyway. What's your talent for tonight?" She pushed Michaela's attitude to the side and questioned her.


"Do you know what song?" She asked her.

"Oh now, I don't want to spoil it. Plus, it's my own song." Michaela grinned, Angela wrote down everything she had said. Angela gave her a nod.

"Right, let's get you cleaned up a bit." Michaela was moved to a different chair and her hair was brushed out and her flower crown was adjusted so it was straight.

Hell, her hair was knotty. The woman wiped Michaela's face a bit more clean using a wet cloth.

"You're done." She dismissed Michaela. Michaela walked back into the room where the rest of the tributes were.

Lamina watched Michaela, she looked even better. How was that possible? Lamina was glad that they were friends, she was happy that she had an attractive friend. It would take the attention off of her.

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now