chapter six || the bombing

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The next day

Michaela was already awake, worrying about later that night. It was the day of the interviews, she had no talent.

Sure, others have told her to sing but wasn't that Lucy-Gray's talent?

She sat on a rock, looking ahead, her eyes out of focus. It was quite early, only a few of the other tributes were awake.

Her head was full of things to talk about but she remained quiet. She needed to say something, but she had nobody to talk to.

What if Facet leaves her today? What if he allies with someone like Coral? What if my mentor doesn't send me food now because of what I've done?

She looked down at her lap, trying to clear her head. She jumped off the rock, tiptoeing over Facet, who was still sleeping, and she made her way to the front of the zoo.

She sat down on the ground and picked at the ground. Her head tilted up at the sky, she wondered if she'd be able to see it again after all of this happens.

Michaela heard footsteps behind her and she looked back to be met with Treech. He sat down next to her and looked at her.

"I'm really going to miss all this, I'm going to miss you, Facet... and Lamina." He gave her a sad smile, turning his head to the sky.

She understood what he was saying and she related to him. She was going to miss everything that's happened to her, she was going to miss everyone that she had met along the way. She was going to miss her brother.

She let out a small sigh and looked down, "Hey, we still have a day to go. Don't get all sad on me." She nudged him, chuckling. Deep down she knew she wanted to scream out loud, she wanted the whole world to stop for a bit longer. She wanted more time.

He turned back to her and gave her yet another smile, this time it looked a bit more genuine.

"I've seen the way you look at her." He stated, still looking at her.

"Who? I don't understand who you're talking about." She replied, quickly. He laughed at her reaction.

"Lamina. I've seen the way you both look at one another. I just hope you two meet in another lifetime." He frowned at her, remembering their fate.

"Me and Lamina? Don't even. I don't like her like that, Treech." She stated with a confident tone, yet she was lying. She didn't even know she was lying, hell, she was lying to herself.

"Oh. Really?" He questioned her, not believing her, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I would never go there with Lamina, never mind another girl." She snapped at him.

He just hummed at her response and looked down. Little did they know that Lamina was awake and heard everything that they had said.


"Get up! You have ten minutes to be ready." A peacekeeper shouted in at the sleeping tributes.

Treech and Michaela stood up, they shared a look before walking over to their partners.

"Facet, get up." She crouched down and shook him. He jumped up and rubbed his eyes. She held out her hand to him and he grabbed it, pulling himself up.

"Where are we going this early?" He mumbled, questioning.

"The arena, to come up with plans and make alliances." She replied, looking at him. He nodded.

The pair walked to the front of the zoo and greeted a few others.

Love and Danger in the Arena || Lamina X OCWhere stories live. Discover now