E: Emergency

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E: Emergency

Eliza was used to some odd sights when she got home, life was pretty interesting living with Gilbert Bielschdmit, but of all the things she expected, like a burnt house, cops in the yard, wrecked cars, angry mobs, and just about anything else you could imagine, she did not expect this.

Gilbert usually greeted her when she came home, sometimes with a normal hello. Sometimes drunk off his ass streaking through the halls, and sometimes with a natural disaster. But this time, the house was eerily silent. His car was in the driveway though.

"Gil?" she called out.

There was no answer.

That's when she saw the half-drunk beer on the coffee table and the TV on, but no Gil.

And red spots on the floor and couch. Blood.

Her voice rose a few octaves "G-Gilbert!"

A soft groan emitted from the bathroom and she ran over.

He was collapsed on the floor, blood on the white tile floor, the sink, toilet, and his hands, mouth and shirt.

He barely moved when she came in the room, unable to. Tears of pain streaked down his cheek and he was curled in a ball.

"H-hallo...Lizzy..." he croaked, shaking.

"G-Gil! What happened?!" she shrieked, dropping to her knees beside him.

He looked like he was about to answer before a coughing fit took over. He screamed in pain, writhing and shaking from the force of his coughing, blood spattered his hand. It hurt, blinding white hot pain, like his lungs were being slowly ripped apart.

His screams only made it worse, but he couldn't help it. More tears streaked down his face.

Eliza freaked out, tearing her phone out and calling 911.

The operator picked up and asked "What is your emergency?"

"I think my boyfriend is dying!" she screamed

He twitched, groaning in pain

"Please stay calm, is he breathing?"


"Is he cut?"

"N-no coughing up blood!"

As if on cue, his coughing started again, and he wailed in agony, gripping his chest.

"Ok please calm down, I'm sending an ambulance right away. Where do you live?"

"7845 Kartenway Lane." She yelled, freaking out.

Gil's coughing died down

"Keep him conscious as long as you can."

She looked at him, his eyes were dim and he whispered "I'm tired..."

"You c-can't sleep yet Gil..." she whispered, tears in eyes

He groaned and muttered "D-don't cry...you look ugly w-when you do..."

She gave a weak smile, brushing his hair from his eyes.

Sirens wailed outside, and soon paramedics rushed in.

Eliza got out of their way and lets them get Gil onto a stretcher. He weakly muttered "Don't l-leave me..."

She choked up "I won't..."

He was rushed into the ambulance and they tore off, and she flew to her car, following, breaking the speed limit, running every light and nearly crashing a few times.

By the time she got there, Gil was already inside, and she was forced to wait in the waiting room.

The next two hours lasted a lifetime, and they were the worst two hours of her life.

A doctor finally came out and she jumped to her feet "Is he ok?!"

He nodded "Yes, he will be ok. He has tuberculosis, but if we treat it, it will not be a problem."

Her eyes widened, but she nodded and he led her into the room with him, then left them alone.

He was awake, hooked up to breathing machines

"Hospital gowns...s-suck." He muttered upon seeing her

Smiling with tears in eyes she walked up to his bedside and sat by him

"Why is that?"

He was weak, he had taken a battering, but he managed to smirk "They aren't very sexy..."

She laughed slightly and held his hand

"You...are an idiot."

He smiled over at her "Your idiot."

Leaning over she pecked his forehead "Yes, my idiot."

It had been one hell of a night, and was not how she wanted to be greeted ever again.

Softly smiling, Gil fell asleep, his large and pale hand intertwined with her small one.

She watched him sleep, thankful he was alive. After all, if he was gone, who would greet her in surprising ways when she got home?

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