N: Nail

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Now Gil wasn't the kind of man that cried about everything. In fact, he didn't cry much at all. He thought it was weak to do something like that, which is why Ludwig was about as emotional as a tree.

Eliza liked that he was strong. No one wanted a crybaby as their boyfriend, but sometimes it was nice to see he was capable of crying...She knew he did cry, but she had yet to see it.

But she also wasn't so sure is she wanted to see such a sight, she imagined it be pretty heartbreaking.

Right now, she was busy downstairs cooking them dinner. She cooked usually, mainly because Gil was pretty hopeless in the kitchen.

Speaking of Gil, he was upstairs in their attic, attempting to find the raccoons that decided to move in.

He was in the sweltering attic, swearing very colorfully about the heat and the free-loading raccoons. He had then wisely chosen to ditch his shirt and shoes, crawling around in shorts and knee pads.

Thinking he saw something, he jumped to his feet and ran across the floor.

Downstairs, an ear splitting scream reached Eliza's ears. Immediately thinking of terrible things, like a rabid raccoon attacking Gil's face, or him falling through the floor boards she dropped everything and flew upstairs.

Gil was not on the ground with a crazy raccoon eating his face, so she relaxed the slightest bit. She ran up the ladder and looked around the attic for Gil.

He was sitting on the floor, holding his foot, bellowing in German, what she assumed were some lovely curses, and crying.

She blinked and stared and he suddenly yelled "AREN'T YOU GOING TO HELP ME?!"

He slowly walked over to him and looked down.

"What's the matter exactly?" she asked


She winced at his yelling, and hit him on the head "Stop yelling dammit!"

He grumbled angrily as she helped him up. He kept his left foot off the ground as they made it to the ladder, and she helped him down, then followed.

"So what's your problem now?"

He didn't answer and just limped to the bathroom and sat on the counter. She came in and grabbed his foot.

She stared at the one inch narrow nail in his foot then glared at him "Why in the world would you decide to go in the attic without shoes!"

He huffed "It's hot! Why the hell would little bandits free-load in our attic?!"

Sometimes she really couldn't believe how stupid he was. Sighing, she got the medical supplies from the cabinet and looked at his foot.

She reached to touch it and he jerked his foot away "Don't you dare!"

Yup, a headache was not inevitable. "Gilbert let me see your foot."

"No!" he growled, similar to the tone of a young child.

Her eyes narrowed and she seized his foot and held it in a death grip. "Hold still fool." She muttered

"Don't hurt me." He whined, crossing his arms over his chest.

Her eye twitched. Like she would purposely hurt him! ...Oh yeah...she totally would.

He moved her hand slowly and was about to grab the nail before Gil yelped "That hurts!"

"I haven't even touched it yet!" she yelled at him

He looked away, clearly not very happy with her. She grabbed the nail with her fingers and pulled on it.

And Gil screamed like a little girl, tears streaked down his face.

Now that she was seeing him cry, she found it was not very sad really. It was pretty hysterical actually. Of all the things he could cry about, he chose to bawl like a baby over a nail. She knew he had much worse injuries before, that he didn't even blink at.

"Are you laughing at me?!" he asked angrily

"Yes." She answered laughing at him. As he was busy sulking, she tore the nail from his foot and he screamed once more.

"Stop being a baby." She muttered holding up the nail for him to see.

"Easy for you to say! You didn't have an evil force drive a nail into your foot!"

"Evil force? Gil, gravity isn't evil..."

Perhaps he hit his head too, because he would simply not accept this. "Evil forces live in attics. Have you ever seen a horror movie?" he demanded

"Gil, there is no horror movie to my knowledge named 'When Nails Attack."

She started to clean the wound and he hissed quietly. "Well they should make that movie. I'd see it."

"Then I'd hit you for wasting time and money." She answered shortly wrapping his foot up.

He decided to save what little pride he had left and wipe the tears from his face. But Eliza was not so nice. She was going to taunt him about this for a long time, starting right now.

"So, the macho man Gilbert Bielschdmit cries when a nail is in his foot?"

He glared at her "How about you go tangle in hell with little bandits and be attacked by evil forces."

Her eye twitched. "First off, the attic is a little too high to be hell. Second, they are called raccoons. They do not sell 'little bandit traps' at Ace Hardware. And for the last time, THERE ARE NO EVIL FORCES IN OUR ATTIC!"

He scoffed. "Nails are evil. I was attacked by a nail. Therefore evil forces have attacked me."

"No... you stepped on a nail because gravity exists and you were an idiot and wore no shoes."

He shook his head and Eliza sighed and just gave up. He was hopeless sometimes.

He grinned as he saw her 'I'm done with this' face. "Aww, did Lizzy give up on this argument?"

He slid off the counter and stood in front of her, wrapping his arms around her. "I win. It is official, our attic is evil."

She didn't argue with him and just hugged the idiot back. "Whatever makes you happy."

He smiled down at her, his face back t normal, no trace of him crying. He was capable of something else too: being really sweet.

"Well, you make me happy..." he smiled and kissed her softly "So I guess you're right."

She smiled and kissed him back. Yeah, damn straight she was right.

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