V: Violin

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Since Eliza was out, Gil thought he would be alone in the house for a while. He crept upstairs and into the spare room, where he kept something.

He opened the closet and moved some boxes and blankets around, pulling out a small case. A violin case.

Again he checked to see he was alone, before carefully opening up his case. He took the glistening violin out and tucked it against his cheek. It was pretty clear this thing he kept hidden was well kept, better than his sword almost.

Smiling softy, he grabbed his bow and put his fingers on the strings, starting to play.

At first it was soft and slow, he was out a practice a bit. Then, his skills took over, his fingers moved more fluidly, his bow picked stings better, and he lost time in the music, playing whatever songs he knew from memory, or just playing random notes that sounded well together.

He didn't know it, but he was at this for almost an hour and a half.

In that time, Eliza had done her errands and came home. Walking into the house, she expected Gil to be sitting on the couch drinking, seeing him not there was surprise enough. But hearing the wonderful violin music was enough to make her stop and stare at the stairs.

Even she didn't know Gil played the violin.

Slowly creeping upstairs, she listened in shock. He sure was skilled, she couldn't think of why he wouldn't tell anyone about this.

He was sitting on the bed, grinning, totally oblivious to everything, playing hard and fast, a lively song.

Liz cracked the door open but he still didn't notice.

She walked in and sat next to him, and he abruptly stopped, jumping up and trying to box up the violin.

"D-Don't you knock?!"

She stared "Gil I heard you playing the violin...why would I knock? Would you have heard?"

"Does that matter?!" he yelled, slightly flustered

She frowned "Sit down."

He froze. She used that tough voice. That 'sit the fuck down before I make you' voice.

Gil sat down quickly and looked at the floor "What?"

"Why didn't you ever play this before?"

He laughed "I've played it a lot before! Just...when nobody's around."

"Why not share that talent?"

"It isn't talent." He growled bluntly

"Gil, I know you're pretty stupid, but how is that not talent?"

He sighed "Because...it's...girly. It's not a badass instrument like the drums. And I play all the shit I make fun of...when Roderich plays."

"It's not girly...you play well!"

"It's not manly! Ludwig would never let me live it down. Neither would Francis or Toni..."

"And you care about that...why?"

He scowled "Because! What kind of badass like me plays the damn violin! It's a hidden talent! I don't tell anyone...I play when I'm alone, I put it away before anyone comes home..."

She sighed "I liked hearing it."

A slight smile touched his lips "Yeah? I mean...I'm a bit out of practice and all..."

"It was still good." She said strongly, kissing his cheek

He blushed lightly, carefully putting it away.

"No song for me?'

He smirked "Nope. Not today."

She scowled at him as he walked and stuck it back in his hidden spot.

"Next time you'll knock on the door won't you?" he asked, grinning and walking away

She sighed. He was such a jerk sometimes. Though, a talented one it seemed.

Well short and little sucky but lots of people don't know Gil can play violin so..felt the need to write this

Plus V is a hard letter

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