L: Lick

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L: Lick

It was a slow Tuesday night and Gil and Eliza sat on the couch, watching TV together. Unfortunately for Gil, Eliza held control of the remote, so he was watching 'Say Yes to the Dress' and about ready to blow his brains out.

"For the love of God! Why is it so hard for them to find a damn dress? Why must everyone have an opinion?!"

She waved him off "Shut up Gil."

"Change the channel!" he begged

"No." she said, watching the show intently

He groaned and knocked his head against the back of the couch.

The bottom screen said 'Four Weddings' was coming on next followed by 'What not to Wear.'

He could not take much more of TLC tonight. He was one bride-mother meltdown from breaking the TV.

Now he was no stranger to these nights of torture. He and Liz fought over the remote quite a bit, which is why she was holding it rather protectively in her hand between her leg and the arm of the couch.

He needed to distract her to get the remote, so he began to plot.

"Hey Liz can you make me some food?" he asked

"No." was her short reply.

He sighed "...Something's burning..."

She turned and looked at him "You're not getting the remote Gil."

"That's what you think." He said smirking

She sighed and went back to watching the show. He wasn't going to get her to move...

A brilliant idea struck him and he leaned closer, in response she shifted and hid the remote better. But instead of going to grab it, he licked her on the arm.

The TV was paused as she turned to smack him. "...Did you just seriously lick me?"

He was pleased with his idea and instead on answering her, lunged for the now open remote.

She jerked her arm up and kneed him in the side, making him miss the remote and fall to the floor. But he grabbed her and pulled her onto the floor with him.

"GILBERT!" she yelled in surprise and some anger.

He chuckled and struggled to his knees and looked for the remote.

Which Eliza had logically shoved into her shirt.

"I will go in after that you know." He said looking at her

"Not if you enjoy breathing!" she replied crossing her arms

He had to deeply consider this...breathing or TV...

TV it is. He lurched forward and pinned her on her back, sitting on her stomach.

"Give it to me, or I take it." He said looking down at her with arrogant confidence

Oh this was so not happening to her. Eliza punched him in the chest and not softly at all. He winced then pouted "Why so mean..."

Then he smirked "Alright, I'll get it." He moved his hand towards the neck line of her shirt but her grabbed his hand and licked it.

Now he froze and looked down at her "Did you seriously just lick me?"

She smirked and threw him off of her "I did."

That was just not acceptable. He stalked back over to her and pinned her against the wall.

"All I want is the remote!"

Her green eyes met his red ones "You aren't getting it."

He shook his head "Oh yes I will."

She glared and kicked him in the shin, promptly pinning him to the wall. "No, I really don't think so."

He pouted. This was just not working out very well. "I cannot watch another freaking bride meltdown!"

"Maybe if you would have just said that, I would change it!" she said staring at him

"So will you change it?"

"No." she smirked

He whined and was going to protest but he yanked him by his collar down and to her level

"Next time, don't lick me."

He couldn't give up the fight so easy, so he switched tactics and smirked "Alright...I won't lick you there."

She glared at him "No...you won't lick me at all."

He slowly moved his hands to not catch her attention, he kept staring into her eyes, holding her attention.

"There's places I think you'd enjoy me licking."

She blushed furiously "PERV!"

He laughed and his hand flashed like a snake, darting into her shirt and grabbing a bit more than the remote. Successfully seizing the remote he grinned and waved it in front of her bright red face.

"Told you I'd get it." He said triumphantly

She smacked him lightly "You are an asshole you know that?"

He laughed "An asshole that will not be watching Four Weddings!" he said skipping over to the couch and changing the channel.

Eliza rolled her eyes, walking over to the TV, blocking his view. He would have protested, but she was smart, and purposely gave him a nice view of her ass.

But since he was distracted, she used the buttons on the TV to change the channel back.

He had also kept a loose hold on the remote, so when she ran back, she seized it and got the batteries out of it, shoving those in her pants and throwing the remote back at him.

He stared, his pride wounded, but secretly admiring her intelligence. He forgot the TV had the ability to change channels...

"You know I'm not afraid of going after those either..." he said looking at her

"Well, if you want them, you'll have to do a hell of a lot of licking." She smirked at him, her eyes dark but an overall amused look on her face. She could tease him, she had the right, he did grope her after all.

He dropped the remote and stared with wide eyes.

Licking...he would have to remember that... it was the best idea he had in a long time.


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