J: Jail

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J: Jail

Friday nights tended to be rather chaotic when it came to Gil. He'd go out drinking with Francis and Antonio and get drunk and stumble home. Maybe.

If he did manage to make it home he was usually in handcuffs, in varying stages of nakedness, or blacked out. Neither of those things really pleased Eliza.

Her favorite was when he came home in the arms of two pissed off cops, in his boxers, blacked out with at least three girls numbers shove into his boxers.

But that was until tonight, when he didn't come home at all. When she started to actually consider going to find him the phone rang and she answered it.

"Hello?" she asked, unfamiliar with the number

"Yes hello, is this the house where Gilbert Bielschdmit lives?" a stern voice asked

Her brows furrowed "Yes...why?" she had the feeling it was some girl her drunk boyfriend had given the number to. And if that was the case she had a few choice words for the little skank, Gil was stupid, but damnit she was not sharing

"Yes well this is the police department, your boyfriend said to call you."

She was half relieved and yet more worried "And why are you calling?"

"He is too drunk to speak and seems scared."

Her eyes narrowed. The drunk part she understood. The fact he was scared satisfied her a bit, he should be scared. It also pissed her off. Now the cops probably thought she was abusive and controlling!

"I'll come pick him up..." she muttered and hung up, grabbing the car keys and driving down to the station.

In the jail, Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio sat in a holding cell.

"Man, that bartender really meant business!" Francis groaned, rubbing his eyes

"She told you at least eight times to back off. You deserved the pepper spray." Gil muttered

"So did you deserve to be punched in the face?" Francis asked


"Mi amigo, did you forget you had a girlfriend?" Antonio asked from the far side of the bench

"Oi, Toni, did you forget you have a seriously messed up boyfriend?" Gil growled at him, rubbing his bruised cheekbone

"He wasn't supposed to come with! I didn't think Lovi would get so angry!"

Francis chortled "He wouldn't have if Gil didn't start saying how Ludwig was plowing Feli."

Gil sighed "I've never seen him so mad...he seemed too small to break a table. Why'd you take the blame for that anyway Toni?"

Antonio smiled but said nothing.

Francis kept rubbing his eyes and Gil was for once silent. Man would Eliza be pissed.

As if on cue the angry Hungarian ran over to the cell and glared at them through the bars.

"Gilbert." She growled

He smiled weakly "Lizzy?"

The glare he got made him shrink into the wall. She was radiating anger.

Francis and Antonio watched the tense standoff with amused expressions.

"Mind telling me why you are in there?" she snarled in a low tone, her eyes piercing

"...Do I have to?" he asked slowly

Her venomous glare was his only reply.

"Well...I got a little buzzed...started a friendly conversation with a girl, got punched in the face, so I threw my beer at the man, kissed his girlfriend, and ran around the bar shirtless and screaming..." he said looking at the ground

"I wouldn't call that a public disturbance at all." He weakly added

"Gilbert you better be thankful these bars are between us because if they weren't you would be a dead man!"

"But....I like living..." he said pouting. He was still slightly drunk and not being fully intelligent.

Well, fully intelligent by his standards.

The cop took his dear time coming over and finally letting them all out.

Francis and Antonio quickly exited, going to call other people to take them home, abandoning their albino friend to his lovely and fuming girlfriend.

He remained sitting on the bench, looking at Eliza. He was probably too drunk to really walk but his main reason for sitting was the fact he was missing the safety of the iron bars.

Eliza walked into the cell and grabbed him by the ear, making him stand up.

"THAT'S MY EAR!" he yelled

She jerked it "I never would have guessed."

"I need that for listening!" he yelped, following her as she walked. Not that he had a choice.

"Why? You never listen anyway!" she yelled, dragging him out to the parking lot

"I do sometimes!" He protested

She let go and stared up at him "When it's convenient for you!"

He smirked "That is still listening isn't it?"

She shook her head and lightly shoved him "Get in the car."

He stumbled to the passenger side and started pushing on the door.

"It's not opening!" he whined, pushing harder.

Eliza sighed, setting her head against the steering wheel "Try pulling it, you idiot."

He pulled it and grinned as the door opened. Quickly sitting inside he shut it and leaned against the seat.

"You aren't going out next weekend." She muttered, staring up the car

He lightly smiled "Then I guess you'll just have to keep me busy."

She blushed and huffed, lightly smacking him. "Perv."

He chuckled and kept his eyes shut. She just drove in silence.

She probably had the world's stupidest boyfriend. Or at least the most obnoxious and troublesome. She lost count of how many times she had to come get him from jail.

But she did have to say he was worth the trouble. He was worth every visit to jail and angry phone calls. She didn't know what about him made it worth it, she wouldn't have dealt with any other man that did this and he knew that.

He was special.


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