Chapter 1

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You know many tend to forget the side characters of a story. I mean why wouldn't they, it's not like we're supposed to be important. They're not the main character; the hero who's supposed to do something great that's who gets remembered. However, if it wasn't for most of the side characters there would be no story for the hero to tell. Even monsters that die have their purpose. This story we're about to tell you it's not some myth. We saw everything, we were there. The only difference is that we weren't named, not acknowledged. What we are is a legend, an old true story. If not for us I don't think the hero would have gotten to where they were. Why were we forgotten simply to the writer we weren't worth remembering. But now it's our turn and we'll tell you personally ourselves. Our legend is worth listening to and worth remembering. So let us begin at the top of our journey, strap in for the ride, you're going to need it, especially right now.

The sun hung high in the sky as Ash and Aubrianne sped down the dark road toward Camp Half-Blood in a beat-up old taxi. Zavik, their satyr guardian, sat on the end of the three back seats of the taxi. Their journey had been uneventful until now, with just a nagging feeling that something was following them all night. Ash's sharp eyes darted to the rearview mirror, searching for any signs of danger.

"We're almost there, Ash," Aubrianne said, her voice tinged with excitement and a touch of nervousness.

Ash nodded, her ebony hair swaying as she did. "Yeah, just a little farther." Her fingers tapped restlessly on the door next to her as they barreled down the road.

Ash looked to Zavik who had been oddly quiet the whole ride. It was starting to freak Ash out a bit. He's never usually this quiet.

Suddenly, a loud pop and a sharp swerve jolted the car. Their tire had burst, and the vehicle skidded to a halt by the roadside. The girls exchanged worried glances before Ash opened her door and stepped out.

Aubri looked at Ash saying, "Is getting out a good idea with whatever is following us?"

Ash replied, "It's fine I'm just going to put the spare on the car."

Ash moved towards the trunk and heard growling. Before they could even grasp the situation, four Hellhounds emerged from the shadows, surrounding them. The glint of their fiery eyes and gnarled teeth sent shivers down Ash's spine. Aubrianne nodded and scrambled out of the car, standing back to back with Ash, her sword drawn. Zavik looked at the hellhounds backing away. Ash knew he wouldn't be much use in this fight.

One of the Hellhounds barreled right into the taxi car causing the engine to explode and the car to be demolished and the driver inside.

"Get back, Aubri," Ash ordered her hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of her knife. She was well aware of the danger these creatures posed to demigods.

One of the Hellhounds lunged at Ash, its powerful jaws clamping onto her leg, pulling her to the ground. The searing pain sent a jolt of panic through her, but Ash's training kicked in. With a swift and desperate movement, she plunged her hunting knife into the Hellhound's skull, ending its life. Blood sprayed across her face and glasses blocked some of her vision as she gasped for breath, but the adrenaline of survival surged through her.

But now, Ash was left injured and unable to get up. Panic took hold, and she screamed, "Aubri!"

Aubrianne turned to help, but she had no idea what she was capable of. In a sudden surge of unexplained power, she reached out and pushed the damaged car toward one of the Hellhounds. The vehicle slammed into the creature, crushing it beneath the weight.

Aubri stood in shock, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of what she had just done.

"Aubri, watch out!" Ash cried out, her voice strained with pain. Two Hellhounds charged at Aubrianne, jaws open wide, fangs glinting in the sunlight. Without thinking, she raised her hands, and a blaze of searing fire erupted, incinerating the creatures.

As the last Hellhound turned to ashes, Aubri stood there, her hands trembling, disbelief etched across her face. She had no inkling that she possessed such power. The realization crashed over her like a tidal wave, leaving her dazed and confused.

Struggling to her feet, Ash tried to make her way to her friend, but Aubri was frozen in place, lost in the chaos of her newfound abilities. Frustration and fear coursed through Ash as she yelled, "Aubri! Snap out of it, you fucking dork!"

But Aubrianne remained still, processing the unimaginable power that had just surged from within her, changing the course of their journey to Camp Half-Blood forever.

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