Chapter 18

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Ash looked at the surroundings and said, "We can't fight in this space. There are too many people here pulling out a weapon is impossible. We need to leave this place first. Just run."

Well, Aubri may be fine, but for Ash, pulling out the full length of her spear would be impossible.

Aubri grabbed Lincoln, who was now shaking and not moving, "Come on idiot! If we don't move, we'll be stone. Zavik you coming?"

"I'm right on your heels Aubri!" Zavik's voice boomed over the crowd's screams and shouts.

As they sprinted through the crowded streets, Ash stole a glance over her shoulder. The monster loomed closer, its hissing blending with the urban chaos. Aubri, her eyes narrowing with determination, shouted, "We can't keep running. We have to face it!"

The realization hung in the air, and Ash nodded. They needed to turn the tables and confront the monster that had dogged their every step. However, the city's labyrinthine streets posed a challenge. Fighting a creature here would be like dancing through a crowded carnival.

The demigods ducked into an alley, the monster hot on their heels. With a quick exchange of glances, the narrow alley became a makeshift battleground, the monster's hissing reverberating off the walls.

Ash knew it was right behind them and said, "Don't look at it."

"Oh, come now, I'm not that terrifying or hideous, not like my sister who has yet to be revived. Curse that dang Poseidon offspring. Never mind that my master seeks you all dead much easier without any witnesses." The Gorgon's voice was so smooth, almost hypnotic in a sense.

Ash could hear the rustle of the Gorgon's wings. The Gorgon was in her true form; she wasn't hiding what she was. Ash was holding her spear ready to strike but she was not used to fighting only by sound. So in truth, she had no clue where she needed to point.

"Right, where are my manners? I am Stheno, the oldest of the stone serpent sisters." Ash felt a chill go up her spine acknowledging the name. Stheno was the most brutal and terrifying of all three sisters.

The voice spoke right next to her. "I hate to kill such a strong child. Ares, I take it from the way you stand, but you smell a bit off, and so do you child of Hephestus."

Ash felt Stheno's hand touch her shoulder. Ash felt the claws dig into her a bit. Enough to feel it not hurt. It took a bit, but Ash found her voice and said without fear, "I could take your head off just like your sister."

"Let's not give empty threats now. We both know that you can't fight without seeing me. You know my master could use a warrior like you, fearless, strong, undyingly loyal. Those are rare qualities that I find quite beautiful. I could spare you if you put that spear down Άσλιν," Stheno said. Ash heard the small hisses from the hair of snakes right next to her ear. However, Ash's main concern was that the monster knew her name. "Just let me kill the child of Hephaestus, Aubrianne if I remember correctly."

Ash yelled, "Go to hell! I won't let you touch her!" Ash slashed around her but she knew she didn't connect with anything.

"I'll give you another warning, Half-Blood. Drop your spear and I will spare you," Stheno hissed now clearly getting impatient.

Aubri, sensing that Ash was pissed off, said in a confident tone, "Listen here you slithering son of a witch, if you want to kill me, go ahead and try. I'm not afraid of you, Stheno, I'll kill you like Percy killed your sister."

Aubri felt Stheno come up behind her and grab her arm, her rapier in hand still retracted. With no hesitation and full trust in her intuition and senses, extended her sword blade into Stheno's thigh. Stheno hissed in pain, releasing very slightly on Aubri's arm.

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